Now that the election is getting closer, the Catholic bishops are doing all in their power to encourage their flock to vote Republican. Yet another bishop, Wisconsin Bishop Ricken, told Catholics that they will go to hell if they vote for those who support abortion and gay marriage. (Read Democrats and Obama) But there are some dissenting Catholic voices, covered by the evil, librul media, that the Church doesn't want their flock to hear. But because we live in a secular society, the men in black don't have the juice that they used to have. But who needs the Spanish Inquisition when a major "news" network can employ its resident priest to preach about those evil heretics and their nasty, enabling, and "biased" media - a meme that just happens to be an ongoing theme for the "fair & balanced" Fox News which provides a pulpit for Fr. Jonathan Morris to preach the gospel of the GOP.
Clayton Morris opened with the statement about how Catholics are "a crucial block" in the upcoming election and asked if "the media is misrepresenting their views." Devout conservative Catholic and Roger Ailes' "attack poodle," Steve Doocy, framed the Fox message in a question scripted for a "yes" response. He asked the cute, little padre if he "was frustrated by the media's depiction of the Catholic Church." Fr. Morris responded in the affirmative and added that he is frustrated "by people who don't stand up to it." The chyron, stated as Fox fact: "Slanted Coverage, Are Religious Sources Really Credible?"
ROFLMAO - A priest who was a member of the disgraced "Legion of Christ," and who is a mouthpiece for the right wing GOP, on a right wing partisan network, is "really credible?"
Underscoring his function as Roger Ailes' tool, Fr. Morris advanced the popular Fox News anti-NY Times meme in his first example of this lack of religious credibility on the part of the librul media. He cited an article by Bill Keller about end of life care. Fr. Morris claimed that Keller blamed the Catholic Church for our not being able, as a society, to "get to the point where our loved ones can die peacefully because the Catholic Church would never allow such practices to occur." After Steve Doocy twice said "that's not true," Fr. Morris asserted that Keller claimed that the Catholic Church would force family members of the dying to "go to extreme means to keep somebody, who is dying, alive."
Fr. Morris just broke the Commandment about lying. This is what Keller said in relation to how Americans are resistant to allowing the withholding care in certain terminal situations: "The obvious reason, of course, is that advocates of such programs have been demonized. They have been criticized by the Catholic Church in the name of “life,” and vilified by Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann in the pursuit of cheap political gain. “Anything that looks like an official protocol, or guideline — you’re going to get death-paneled,” said Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel..."
As the chyron read, "Religion & Politics, Are Catholics Being Misrepresented,"Doocy did more propagandizing with his comment that, in the recent debate, Joe Biden "just flat out lied" about Catholic institutions not having to pay for contraceptives. He whined that this was "barely picked up" by the evil, librul media. Fr. Morris said that this is due to either "woeful ignorance" about religion or "real bias."
Morris defined bias as "presenting your opinion on fact as if it were fact because religion is purely subjective" and "taking a fringe representative" like "Catholics for Choice" to suggest that this group "represents a legitimate group within the Catholic Church." Morris sputtered as he complained about this group is being held out as an example of the Catholic Church. He then put Sister Simone Campbell in the same category. Cambell, of course, is the nun who has criticized Catholic Republicans for not being concerned about the poor and spoke at the Democratic Convention. As such, her group, representing the majority of American nuns, has been rebuked by the Vatican. Fr. Morris said that the media wants to be "fair & balanced, "but they do it in a way that's not fair."
ROFLMAO - Sister Simone has received almost no coverage on Fox News as opposed to the US Catholic Bishops whose opposition to the HHS mandate which has received ongoing and unrebutted validation on Fox News.
It's ironic that a Catholic priest, who is the conduit for GOP and conservative Catholic talking points, on a right wing "news" outlet, would complain about lack of fairness in the media. I mean, seriously, a network that provides a Sunday pulpit to just a right wing Catholic priest is "fair & balanced?" Really?
Not an endorsement - just great couture!
The Church is having a hard time explaining that because it remains adamantlty against the same rights for ordinary people of all faiths.
@Joseph: very good point and I simply love the name Father Cutiepie.
The hypocrisy of the Church (MY Church) is awesome at best and positively criminal at worse. And Father Cutiepie is typical of the worst possible side of the clergy: sanctimonious, misogynist and totally lacking in empathy.
When I was a child, there was a joke going around about an Amer-Indian being tortured by some Jesuits who wanted him to convert (the method was already perplexing to me as a six year old). At one point, torturee asks the torturer: “are there people like you in your heaven?” “Yes, my son”, responds the father to which the indian says:" Carry on, then, I don’t want to go there."
Not to mention, Priscilla, how the Church apparently has two faces on “life.” Per Father CutiePie’s words, the Church would not have any problem in allowing a family to decide about a family member’s “dying with dignity,” rather than “forcing” the dying person to live on in great suffering. Now, here’s the problem that I see with this absurdity: Abortion. Should the family not have as much right to determine whether a developing fetus should or should not be brought to term (especially in cases where a debillitating disease or condition—like a non-formed brain) as the Church supposedly is willing to give them when it comes to a dying (and presumably, elderly) member? By Father CutiePie’s own words, the Church is obviously placing greater value on a fetus (which may or may not survive to term—Mother Nature isn’t always a nice lady, but is frequently a real bitch) than a living person at the end of his/her life.
If the Church really wouldn’t force a family to go to extreme measure to keep a dying member alive, then—by the same token—the Church shouldn’t be too concerned with what a woman does with her reproductive system; it doesn’t matter if it’s been invaded by millions of sperm intent on fertilizing one of her eggs or one of those eggs has been fertilized and gets implanted or whether she decides to prevent that implantation or terminates that implant.
Ruined our great Savings and Loan Institution
Closed Fairness Doctrine that has Limbaugh types on our public airwaves
Closed Revenue Sharing
Since 1980, initiated our involvement in 10 foreign conflicts
Repealed Glass Steagallâtook deposits in over 7000 banks and put 50% in 5 (Too Big To Fail)
and 80% in 10 (Too Big To Fail) Banks.
Modernization of Commodity Marketsâfrom investment to Casino Derivative Of America
2 very dumb invasions of two of most unarmed and destitute nations.
Ruined our International reputation as a Do Good Christian nation to Big Bully Devil
Stood by as freak marketeers ruined our housing industry
Stood by as Casino Derivative Of America ruined the world financial industry
Impeached a great president for petty political gains that created a long term animosity between the parties
Attempted to destroy the safety nets that make a great middle class
Implemented Tax Codes that permitted a redistribution of Wealth to top (10%) who now own (73% )of Net Wealth and (83%) of Financial Wealth and take (50%)of all individual income
They have taken America to a rank of (#2) as Least Taxed in OECD nations; (#2) as least taxed corporations; and sadly to (# 4) on Inequality.
Since 1980, their Spend & Borrow policies, mainly, were responsible for adding 14,000 billion to our 1000B Debt when they started in 1981.
Fought the Great GI Bill.
Fought the WWII Draft
Installed strict laws which have loaded our prisons with non-violent offenders which make us world leader in prison population
In other words:
1) – I don’t object to priests molesting children because I have never spoken out against it in any substantive way.
2) – Women’s issues are best handled by men.
3) – I’s like to say publically that Catholics are the only truely saved people, but that would get too much flack so I’ll just let the Daily Theme Of Condemnation spewed on Fux Nuze do it’s work for me.
4) – Pope Above All Else. If Amerika can be brought fully into line with the Vatican so much the better.