The right wing isn't exactly enamored of the gay community. Not only do they feel that same sex attraction is a perverse "choice;" but that the gay community is trying to foist a degenerate "gay agenda" on godly heterosexuals - a meme that has been advanced by Fox News on a number of occasions. But for Fox, it appears that not all gays are created equal and those who support Mitt Romney are just fine and dandy. Such was the case, last week, when Gretchen Carlson interviewed Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud, a group of conservative gays which has Ann Coulter on their board - yes, that Ann Coulter who agrees with Rick Santorum that gay rights "are not civil rights." Suffice to say that some in the mainstream gay community aren't exactly enamored of GOProud; but that didn't stop Fox & Friends from using Mr. LaSalvia as a convenient prop to show that Mitt Romnney is so awesome that even teh gays are embracing him - not!
Gretchen Carlson began the interview by reporting that the issue of gay marriage was left out of the previous night's presidential debate. She added that while that topic wasn't addressed, her guest says no big deal because the most important issue for gays is the economy. After introducing LaSalvia, she asked if he was surprised, given that the president "changed his stance" on the issue. As if on cue, LaSalvia promoted a standard GOP talking point with his comment that Obama would have wanted to talk about because "he doesn't want to talk about his record on jobs and the economy." He spoke about how gays, "like everybody else," are affected by the economy.
When Gretch cited a Logo TV poll that showed the economy as a top lesbian and gay issue, I had to chuckle because Logo TV is the place for Ru Paul's "Drag Races." She added, "not gay rights, same sex marriage, or health care." (Actually, the economy polled at 18%; gay rights, 9%; same sex marriage, 6%; health care 12%) LaSalvia continued to speak about the economy while the chyron presented a false Fox Fact: "It's the Economy, Why Gays Are Leaning Republican."
Fact Check - While "some" gays might be leaning Republican, the newest Gallup poll shows that gays "skew Democratic" and "largely support Obama." (71% for Obama)
Carlson asked LaSalvia if he encounters the stereotype that all gays are liberals. He cited the aforementioned poll in which 23% said they were planning on voting for Romney. She asked whether the economy would take precedence over social issues and if so, would people, who normally vote Democratic, vote Republican. LaSalvia felt that voters want to know the candidates plans and - ready for it - "Mitt Romney has that plan."
While gay voters have the same concerns as other voters, they also have issues that are unique to them - issues that went unaddressed in this interview. When talking about the economy LaSalvia didn't mention that gay marriage confers tax benefits that benefit the personal economy of gays. Gays still face job discrimination; but there was no mention of whether LaSalvia supports ENDA. (Employment non-discrimination act). But if Fox News thinks that their interview with an acceptable gay man will bring more gay votes to Romney, they are mistaken. Maybe being a right wing Republican will make Jimmy more acceptable to his family; but if he thinks that being a right wing gay man will make gays more acceptable to the Republican Party, he's delusional. But who knew that Fox News would be courting the gay vote! I suspect that it's part of an agenda that is decidedly not gay!
The only thing that all these “conservative” groups (whether GOProud or the dumbass Black conservatives) have in common is the “I got mine, fuck you” mentality. At least the Log Cabin Republicans are willing to fight for what best serves their COMMUNITY; GOProud is only interested in how much money they can rack up for themselves and their however many board members they have.
So You People will vote for Mitt?!! Great!!! But after the election you’ll be history on Fox!!!!