Admittedly, my years of Catholic school indoctrination were long ago, in a galaxy far, far away so maybe Catholic priorities have changed. Along with being constantly warned about "impure thoughts," we were taught that the second greatest commandment was to love ones neighbor as oneself. So either "devout Catholic" Eric Bolling was absent during that Catechism lesson or that commandment, when Bolling was a Catholic school boy, had gone the way of meatless Friday's because it's apparent that Bolling doesn't love his neighbor if that neighbor is an atheist. Without going all Ablow, it does appear that Bolling, who informs his Twitter followers whenever he attends Mass, has some serious, I mean serious issues with those who don't believe in the spirit in the sky. Last week, during a discussion about the "Ground Zero Cross," an issue in which Fox "news" has taken the side of the angels, Bolling added to his collection of not so neighborly comments about atheists. It's strange.
Let's do a brief walk down memory lane. In December, Bolling praised Tim Tebow because "he drives atheists crazy." (Memo to Bolling - atheists could give a crap about Tebow). Also in the lead up to Jesus' birthday, Bolling kicked an atheist off his Fox business network show because he didn't show respect for Jesus. Flash forward to July when Bolling got so upset that a baseball team was sponsoring "atheist night" that he ordered all atheists to stay out of that ballpark.
Last week, Fox & Friends discussed those nasty atheists who are going after the "Ground Zero Cross" (a surviving piece of cross beam which was later consecrated by a priest and worshipped by rescuers and not, as stated by Steve Doocy, a "cross pulled out of the rubble") in the form of a lawsuit. The atheists are demanding that all groups, including atheists, have a representation in the publicly funded WTC Memorial. After Gretchen Carlson said that she doesn't know what the symbol of atheism is, Bolling said that he had ideas for the symbol but couldn't say it on TV.
Later that day,"The Five" (a show which features a bunch of good Christians who really love their neighbors - just kidding!), discussed the issue against the visual of "Atheists Target 9-11 Cross." After Andrea Tantaros (a real neighbor lover - just kidding) said that this has nothing to do with promoting one religion, Bolling said that people "across America looked at the cross as a symbol of American pride" (Really? Even non Christians?) He described the group that filed the suit, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, as "absolutely disgusting" and opined that "it should be shut down." Tantaros then made the ludicrous comparison of this "cross" with religious masterpieces in other publicly funded museums. (LOL, I don't think folks worship these paintings but whatever!)
Funny, I thought that Bolling is an American patriot who reveres the Constitution. Yet, he would not only deny atheists the right to petition the courts; he actually wants them shut down. (Under whose authority would this occur?) How inquisitorial - the kind of thing of old school Europe thing that the Founders wanted to avoid. Free speech for me and not for thee? But Bolling is a good Catholic so I guess hatred of atheists is part of his living (rather publicly I might add) his faith. (Is he trying to convince us or himself?)
And as a good Catholic, maybe he should familiarize himself with this section of the gospel of Matthew 5:44: "But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you." Nah, why love when hate is so better for ratings and spreading the Roger Ailes' GOP gospel? Ya think!
I wonder how FoxNoise’s folks would handle that?