How desperate is Fox News to defeat President Obama? So desperate that they have cropped a quote from an Obama speech and are totally twisting it to claim that Obama is, according to the Sunday Fox & Friends & Fr. Jonathan Morris, waging class warfare and discouraging Americans from being "successful." The meme was actually introduced on Friday's The Five during which Greg Gutfeld said that Obama is "running against success" and "waging a war against achievement." As on Fox & Friends, the video clip was cut short. As on Fox & Friends the comment was totally twisted into something that it's not. But both Fox & Friends and The Five are "opinion" shows. But what's that saying about being entitled to your opinion but not your facts? In this case, the opinion isn't supported by fact.
The full quote is this: "Now, these past three and a half years have made it tough on everybody. We saw the middle class struggling and folks who were trying to get into the middle class — I want to say, by the way, when I talk about middle class, I’m also talking about poor folks who are doing the right thing and trying to get into the middle class. And middle class is also an attitude. It’s not just about income; it’s about knowing what’s important and not measuring your success just based on your bank account. But it’s about your values, and being responsible — (applause) — and looking after each other." Both of the above cited shows omitted the part before "and middle class is also an attitude" and "looking after each other"
This is about "punishing success" and trying to prevent upward mobility?" Really? And silly me, I thought that conservatives love responsibility. And as Greg Gutfeld is a Catholic, one would have assumed that the "giving back" (stuff he might have learned in catechism) was commendable.
The full text of the speech is here.
We Really, Really, Really Hate Obummer! Really!!!