"Genderside" is defined "the systematic killing of members of a specific sex." Since having been used as the title for a video, "Genderside: Sex Selection in America," produced by the radical anti-choice "sting" videographer, Lila Rose, it has become quite the favorite buzz word in the right wing, anti-choice community who now embrace the Rose abetted myth that "genderside" is a problem in this country. The anti-choice zealots in the US House (and they are legion) have embraced this myth and have introduced a bill (PRENDA) to ban sex selection abortions. Democratic women have spoken out against this measure which would appear to "foster discrimination" in requiring doctors to racially profile their patients who are from certain ethnic communities. The radical anti-abortion rights nature of Fox News,couldn't be more apparent in its vile headline: "Sheila Jackson Lee Defends Genderside."
Update: PRENDA FAILS. In voting against the bill, seven Republicans, according to Fox Nation, "defended genderside." Twenty Democrats, all male, voted for it. So I guess Bill O'Reilly's Fatwa will extend to members of the GOP.
Rep. Lee, an African-American woman, is one of many Democratic women who have spoken out against this bill. Their reasons are quite sound. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists do not support the bill "because it would require medical professionals to “violate doctor-patient confidentiality." But according to Fox Nation, they're supporting "genderside." The semantic word game here is truly amazing. Using Fox Nation's "logic," any opposition to anti-choice legislation is supporting some kind of murder.
The linked article on "Real Clear Politics" has video and the transcript of Rep. Lee stating that "the next act will be dragging women out of patient rooms into the streets and screaming over their bodies as they get dragged out of getting access to women's health care. That's what I feel like is occurring today with the legislation that is on the floor." And that's it. The title of the piece is "Jackson Lee On Abortion Bill: Next Act Will Be Dragging Women Into Streets." No mention of "genderside." Yet, Fox Nation accuses a member of the US House of Representatives of defending murder.
It's obvious that the headline writers at Fox Nation loathe women who speak out for reproductive rights. And these are the same folks who say there's no war on women. But why did the single out Sheila Jackson Lee? Oh right, she's a pro-choice, African-American women and, as such, not welcome in Fox Nation. And true to form, the comments are full of the racism that the "real" Americans at Fox Nation are so proud of.
Have they no shame!