While they hate the gay community, today's rabid right Christian right really hates the ACLU because this organization has the audacity to fight against incursions of Christianity into taxpayer funded areas where it doesn't belong. While America's Christofascists conservative Christians worship the Second Amendment, they loathe the first - except when they feel that their First Amendment rights are being violated. If so, they appear on Fox News which never wastes an opportunity to showcase a persecuted Christian who is represented by Jesus' best friends in groups like the Alliance Defense Fund, The Thomas Moore Society, and Liberty Counsel. As media mouthpiece for the Christian right, Fox News never wastes an opportunity to bash the ACLU. So it was no surprise that Dana Perino, at the end of a "The Five" segment during which a church/state issue was discussed (and Greg Gutfeld "joked" about transgender parents), whined about that nasty ACLU wasting taxpayer money. Isn't this the same Dana Perino who worked for a president whose unnecessary invasion of Iraq cost American tax payers dearly in blood and treasure?
On Wednesday, "The Five" talked about a court case in Virginia that involves the posting of the 10 Commandments in a public high school. It's a long running case that inspired one Christian student to say, after the Commandments were initially taken down, that those who object to the blatant display of religion can get their sorry asses out of the country. The school reposted the male Middle Eastern sky god's admonitions as part of a display of "historic" documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Mayflower Compact which, according to the school, "pay tribute to the principals on which the US was founded." The ACLU maintained that the purpose of the display is still religious.The case is now in mediation and the judge has made the rather strange suggestion that the school remove the Commandments that mention God. Enter, stage right, "The Five."
Bob Beckel cited the judge's suggestion that four Commandments be removed. Fox News joker, Greg Gutfeld, provided his trademark comedic styling with his comment that "politically correct" commandments could be substituted. His commandments were thinly veiled attacks on those who don't adhere to sacred GOP scripture: "Thou shalt not take the Obama’s name in vain." (Kimberly Guilfoyle said "good one.") "Thou shall honor thy father and thy mother, or mother and mother, or father and father, or transgender father and transgender mother." Thou shalt not steal, unless it’s from the rich who are not paying their fair share." (Guilfoyle said "that's a good one.") "Thou shalt not commit adultery, unless you offer to pay for their birth control." Good pro-life Catholic Greg added a fifth commandment as a shout-out to the anti-choice audience: "Thou shalt not kill after the third trimester." (This is already the law but Greg and the GOP want it extended to fetus "persons.") The group did a collective eww-aww after the last one. Good Catholic Eric Bolling "joked" that Gutfeld "forgot bisexuals."
Perino laughingly said "this is why judges matter" because this represents "judicial activism." (Like "Citizens United?") She hopes that he's embarassed. Working that "leg chair," Kimberly Guilfoyle couldn't understand the judge's position but she did note that putting the Commandments in school is not supported by legal precedent. Beckel said that while he advocates for church/state separation, he's a Christian first and foremost. Dana Perino then made her proclamation: The ACLU is wasting taxpayer money. I think that there is a case to be made that the ACLU is tying up courts with cases like this when judges need to be focused on other things that really matter." Kimberly Guilfoyle responded "best statement of the show so far."
So the constitutional language that states that "respecting an establishment of religion" doesn't really matter. Really? I do wonder what Perino would say if a Muslim group wanted to post sections of the Koran on public school walls. Oh right, theocracy is fine as long as it's Christian. And "The Five" is a paragon of Christian fellowship which would never violate any Commandments - especially the one involving "bearing false witness!" Just kidding!!!!!