When President Obama was invited to speak at the Notre Dame's graduation, Fox News was on it like flies on you know what. Fox & Friends gave it their usual - ahem - unbiased treatment with Gretchen Carlson asking her Catholic priest guest if it was "prestige over principal" and, in a question to the other guest who supported the invitation, echoing the priest's comparison of Obama's speech to a Holocaust denier speaking at a Holocaust museum. In another segment, famous Catholic theologian, Steven Baldwin, provided his trademark incisive exegesis on the issue. Flash forward to 2012 and Georgetown University has invited HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to speak at one of their commencement venues. Fox "news" wasted no time in getting self proclaimed Catholic crank spokesman, Bill Donohue, to rant about this on Megyn Kelly's alleged news program. Not surprisingly, Fox & Friends gave this new "outrage" their usual - ahem - unbiased treatment.
Yesterday, Gretchen Carlson framed the narrative when she reported that Georgetown's invitation to Kathleen Sebelius has "sparked controversy." The chyron reinforced the message: "Improper Invitation." Good conservative Catholic introduced their guest - no, not anybody from Georgetown but Patrick Reilly, head of the reactionary Catholic group, "The Newman Society," who was, along with Catholic luminaries like Randall Terry and Allen Keyes, was "outraged" about Obama's speech at Notre Dame. (He had no problems with pro-torture Dick Cheney's speech at Catholic U.) The Newman Society, founded in 1993, is obsessed about ways in which Catholic colleges are violating Catholic doctrine such as when they allow "Vagina Monologues" to be hosted on Catholic campuses.
Reilly, described in an article in the National Catholic Reporter as a "Catholic Academic Ayatollah," is spearheading a petition to get Georgetown to disinvite Sebelius. Speaking for his co-religionists, Doocy provided more framing in his claim that what "bugs Catholics" and the Newman Society is that the HHS mandate is that Georgetown University and Catholic Charities would have to provide contraception which "flies in the face" of Catholic doctrine. (ROFLMAO - Georgetown already provides contraception to its employees!!!!!!!!!!!) Reilly whined about how this is about "religious freedom," a meme of the US Council of Catholic Bishops which has been supported by Fox & Friends in numerous segments in which Doocy and Maltese Knight Peter Johnson Jr. provided a full throated defense of the bishop's position. The agitprop chyron provided more reinforcement of the message: "Insulting Catholics."
In response to Carlson's question about his group's petition to stop Sebelius from speaking at Georgetown, Reilly referenced their petition to stop Obama from speaking at ND which was obviously ineffective because Obama spoke! Mullah Reilly continued to attack Sebelius as wanting to "stick it to the church." (While Reilly and his fellow Taliban want to stick it to women, IMHO) As if on cue, Doocy asked if Georgetown was where Sandra Fluke spoke about birth control. Reilly whined that Georgetown, while defending her against "strong comments" by Rush Limbaugh hasn't criticized her position. He expressed disappointment that Georgetown isn't being loyal to the bishops and isn't "strong in its Catholic identity." After Carlson read a statement from Georgetown, Reilly continued to whine about those nasty Georgetownstudents who walked out on Cardinal Arinze's talk. Doocy audibly groaned. What Reilly didn't say was that the 2003 walk out was due to the extreme homophobic content of Arinze's speech in which he said that "homosexuality mocks the family." After Reilly said that the Sebelius invitation "shows where Georgetown has situated itself in terms of Catholic identity," Doocy responded that it was a "good point" because he's put three kids "through colleges that aren't very Catholic."
Awww, poor Steve. He spent all that money on Catholic colleges that don't live in the Middle Ages - as he apparently does.(His son Peter appeared to be inbibing more than communion wine!) But even though these schools aren't measuring up to Vatican standards, Steve Doocy is making sure that Fox News promotes and defends the "one true faith" - which, for Fox News, is really about bearing false witness against the Obama administration at every turn. That they have formed a tag team with the anti-Obama Catholic bishops provides an "imprimatur" for their GOP talking points. Steve Doocy, as Roger Ailes' attack poodle, gets his earthly monetary reward for pushing the right wing agenda as well as time off in Purgatory for his efforts on behalf of his religion. It's all good....
Editor's note: The original version of this post misspelled "Sebelius." We have corrected the error.
The $64,000 Question
1. Why Fox “News” continues to cover-up the stories of pedophile priests in the catholic church?
2. Why is so-called “Father” Morris refuses publicly condemn pedophile priests in the catholic church?
Confront these News Corruption frauds by bringing up their dirty laundry.