In the world of Fox News, our educational system is being taken over by libruls who are using their godless agenda to destroy America as we know it. A common refrain is that colleges are full of librul professors who are foisting their radical views on our innocent youth. This morning, as part of the Fox right wing propaganda series, "The Trouble With Schools," Steve Doocy interviewed a right wing political scientist who is part of The National Association of Scholars, a right wing front group that was "founded to bring together conservatives in academia to fight the "liberal bias" on college and university campuses and to target multiculturalism and affirmative-action policies." Naturally, Doocy didn't mention the political orientation of his guest, Peter Berkowitz, who spoke of a study that purports to show that "radical faculty members and politicized courses have compromised the quality of education in the University of California." So not only did Doocy get to promote the meme of evil librul education - but promote the meme of that evil Sodom otherwise known as California.
Doocy claimed that "a new study is raising eyebrows" because "it's raising concern about what our kids are taught on campus." The agitprop chyron: "Proselytizing Professors, Study: CA Colleges Indoctrinate Students." Doocy asserted that the study shows that liberal professors, who outnumber conservatives, "are using the classroom to push, in some cases, a political agenda." (Oh, the irony!) He introduced his guest, Peter Berkowitz, who recently wrote an article for the Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal about liberal bias in the classrooms. Berkowitz alleged that liberal professors are "recruiting students" to a "social agenda." (This is straight out of the old McCarthy days when we were warned about omnipresent communist infiltration). The agitprop chyron: "Lesson in Liberalism, New Research: Univ. Ca Profs Pushing Agenda."
Doocy said that "we've been hearing about how left campuses lean" and showed stats from Berkowitz's group's study which indicated that there were more Democratic professors than Republicans at UC Berkeley. (So should there be a "quota system?") Doocy could hardly contain his glee as he read each number. He spluttered "When you see it like that it's shocking." Berkowitz said it wouldn't be so bad if these professors weren't biased. (He didn't elaborate on how he knows what transpires in these classes). Doocy reinforced his reputation as a great thinker when he said that students "not only get one side of the political spectrum, but also they wind up ignorant with regards to literature, history, and a whole lot of other stuff." (As opposed to those who read the revisionist crap pushed by David Barton). He blurted "that's crazy" when Berkowitz claimed that the schools don't encourage the reading of Shakespeare. The chyron doubled down on the agitprop: "Indoctrinate U, Rpt. on CA Colleges Politicized Classrooms." Doocy said "no kidding" as Berkowitz continued with his allegations about the curriculum.
But let me get this straight. An agenda driven so called "scholar" is decrying the liberal bias and lack of objectivity in California colleges in a discussion, on an agenda driven show, which features no rebuttal from anybody from the actual California academic community. "Fair & Balanced" Ya think!
And Steve, regarding those who "wind up ignorant" - You might want to check out the Farleigh Dickenson (real scholars) study that shows that "Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't watch any news."
Steve Doocy, Wall of Genius!
Why can’t kids be indoctrinated by the Vatican? I am, and just see here how important I am. I can read stuff Mr. Ailes has put on da promter thingie. Sometimes I think the blonde bimbos here at Fux are smart as me. That’s as librul as I wanna be.
And apparently as news to Rick Santorum, the University of California and Cal State campuses have many, many classes offered on US History, including a wide variety of perspectives. I believe there may be a few specialty campuses – like a Med School, that don’t feature those classes, but these are campuses you’d attend for grad level medical work – where you wouldn’t be taking classes in anything but that area.
This canard gets brought up time and time again, and each time we hear it, it’s like playing Whack-A-Mole. Again.