So many Fox News personalities may go to work in the Donald Trump administration, Fox host Greg Gutfeld quipped that the Supreme Court may be replaced by the Outnumbered show hosts.
Last week, Politico reported, “Trump's inner circle is also tossing around the possibility of Fox News analyst Monica Crowley as press secretary.” The article states that Fox contributor Laura Ingraham is under consideration, too.
We have long noted that Crowley is a conspiracy theorist extraordinaire. For example, in 2012, I wrote:
The same Monica Crowley who thought CBS’ Bob Schieffer gave secretly coded campaign suggestions to David Axelrod, who saw attacks on Rush Limbaugh as a stealth way to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine and – my personal favorite – blamed the Obama administration for her decision not to eat a cheeseburger – that Monica Crowley has a new conspiracy theory, that the Occupy Wall Street movement was set up in advance to help President Obama attack Mitt Romney, his likely opponent.
Media Matters has a slew of more examples.
Tonight, Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs tweeted that contributor and sometime host Pete Hegseth is being considered for secretary of the Veterans Administration.
Pete Hegseth in running for VA secretary, and a popular choice among those who want big reforms, I'm told.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 29, 2016
Hegseth has also promoted conspiracy theories. He made no challenge to a guest when she announced that a vote for Hillary Clinton was “aiding and abetting in the murder of homosexuals as well as beheading and disrespect of women.” He’s also an advocate for torture. And there’s reason to be concerned about his treatment of Muslim veterans.
On The Five today, Media Matters caught cohost Greg Gutfeld lamenting that so many Fox personnel will be joining the Trump administration, nobody will left to go on the air:
GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): What becomes of Fox News? So I'm looking at the roster so far. You've got KT McFarland, Ben Carson, [John] Bolton, [Monica] Crowley, [Mike] Huckabee, Scott Brown. These are all FNC mainstays. Are they going to replace the Supreme Court with Outnumbered? Does that make Clarence Thomas one lucky guy? I'm worried. We're not going to have anybody here anymore.
He has a point.
Watch it below, from the November 28, 2016 The Five.
What could go wrong???