Tucker Carlson’s latest stunt in his Murdoch-funded war on America is to host a guest demanding secession while #LyingTucker makes a show of wanting unity.
Now that he’s been outed as a secret Trump hater (and pretending he wasn’t), you never know what’s schtick or Carlson’s real beliefs. But on some level it doesn’t matter. Carlson’s hate-for-pay has very real consequences and he’s just fine with it.
On Wednesday, Carlson’s guest Jason Whitlock did the work for him. For extra Carlson points, Whitlock began by attacking New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg, in charge of the Donald Trump prosecution in Manhattan, and worked in attacks on the LGBTQ+ community.
Whitlock has no apparent credentials in law, criminal justice, medicine or even sociology. Rolling Stone described him as a sports commentator, though he has a show on Blaze TV. But on Fox, the only credential that really matters is whether you’re on Team Red or, better yet, Team MAGA.
So here’s Whitlock doing the inflammatory hate mongering on Tuckums’ behalf:
WHITLOCK: You know, all times are biblical, but, this really seems like we're in some end times here, and it really took me to 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. In verse 14, God talks about -- the Bible talks about, you can't have partnership, the righteous can't have partnership with the lawless. And that's not me, calling Trump the most righteous person in the world, but anybody looking at this knows that Alvin Bragg and the Democratic and the leftists are lawless. They don't believe in fair justice, equal treatment under the law. They don't believe in that.
And, and so you can't have partnership with them, and then if you go down to verse 17, Paul talks about God's instruction that you've got to come out from among them and separate. That's what God instructed. And that's where I think we actually are, Tucker is, these guys are so far removed from the truth, so far removed from any of the values that made this country great, we can't really have partnership with them.
And my mindset went to secession, that we have to separate, we have to come out from among them. They are so unrighteous. They are so unclean, that, you know, finding common ground is impossible with people who think men can become women, who told us, hey, look, we just want two men be able to get married, and there's no slippery slope, and that was a lie. And we've seen the slippery slope.
Now, it is drag queens reading books to kids. Now, it is taking kids to drag queen shows. Now, it is mutilating kids and infecting them with gender dysphoria, and using this as an excuse to cut off their breast or cut off their penis.
You can't have peace. You can't have partnership with these people.
There are so many lies stacked on top of lies from the whole Black Lives Matter, George Floyd deal and oh, the police are just out indiscriminately killing Black men and it is so dangerous because of the police. That's all a lie, and everybody knows it.
We can't find common ground with people who have no respect for the truth, no respect for justice, no respect for fairness. We have to think about going our separate ways, and whether that's through secession, or whether that's through some sort of national divorce, it has to be on the table, because you just can't find common ground with people this delusional, who thinks that they are god and they can make up the rules.
And so I just -- I don't see a pathway forward for those of us that respect America's founding, have traditional values, have a faith in God. We've got to separate and I don't care how it's done, but I just don't see a way to coexist with people this far removed from truth.
Carlson offered no pushback, no challenge. Instead, he made a pretense of distancing himself from the rhetoric he was promoting, even as he validated it:
CARLSON: I think most decent people, no matter where they live, or who they vote for want to find common ground. I don't see any effort to find common ground for the other side. Do you? Or looking for it. Want to see it, we don't see it.
You can watch Carlson promote secession, pretty much by any means necessary, and let his guest do the dirty work below, from the April 5, 2023 Tucker Carlson Tonight, via Media Matters.
Incidentally, if I was considering a new career as a drag artist (which I’m not), I’d call myself Lady Like.
As for the current nonsense about a “national divorce”, that’s nothing short of angry Right Wingers pretending they have some moral high ground from which to condemn the entire rest of the country. In reality, angry Right Wingers have sowed divisiveness in this country for over 50 years. When they get their way, they demand everyone kneel to them. When they don’t, they throw tantrums like this one.
As for Carlson, his desperation is increasingly showing. It’s only a matter of time before he brings Alex Jones on the air for a cozy chat.