It’s Women’s History Month and Tucker Carlson is celebrating by whining about the sad state of the modern, American male. According to Carlson, while men are oppressed, women are so important that even their pubic hair is studied!
In case you didn’t know it, American men are in trouble and who better to advocate for them than super-macho Tucker Carlson. In giving a real man’s middle-finger salute to Women’s History Month, Carlson has put together a Wednesday night series devoted to this “crisis” which, Carlson suggested, is really the fault of those patriarchy-hating feminists who don’t know their place.
Carlson provided an overview of this latest outrage to American men. He wasted no time in pushing his message that feminists are wrong and men are the “real” victims: “Something ominous is happening to men in America,” he said, beginning to set the anti-women tone:
“What’s odd is how rarely you hear it publicly acknowledged. Our leaders pledge to create more opportunities for women and girls, whom they imply are failing. Men don’t need help. They’re the patriarchy. They’re fine. More than fine.”
He provided a litany of statistics which do reflect the reality that men are falling behind women in many areas. What he found “perhaps most bafflingly and terrifyingly” was that “men seem to be becoming less male” because testosterone and sperm counts are on the decline. He claimed that this national emergency is being ignored by the press and by the scientific community.
Carlson informed us that his crack research team searched and could not find any studies funded by the National Institutes of Health on why testosterone levels have been falling
His research team obviously isn’t adept at using the Google because I found several studies on the subject of falling testosterone levels that posited hypotheses as to why: This: ” NIH Study “Decreasing Sperm Quality, a Global Problem” and “Sperm Counts and Fertility in Men, a Rocky Road Ahead.” And while this isn’t from the NIH, it does address the issue and cite other studies: “Health and the Environment, Testosterone Levels Fall World Wide.”
At this point, the discussion took a rather, er, unexpected turn downhill. In establishing that scientific research favors women, he said that his crack research team did find a study on, quote, “Pubic Hair Grooming Prevalence and Motivation Among Women in the U.S.”
Carlson again pushed his message that women are favored at the expense of men:
“Even as women far outpace men in higher education, for example, virtually every college campus supports a women’s studies department whose core goal is to attack male power. Our politicians and business leaders internalize and amplify that message. Men are privileged. Women are oppressed. Hire and promote and reward accordingly. Now, that would be fine if it were true. But it’s not true. At best, it’s an outdated view of an America that no longer exists. At worst, it’s a pernicious lie.”
He finished with the hope that this problem can be solved and that we can all live happily ever after:
“When men fail, all of us suffer. How did this happen? How can we fix it? We hope that this series … answers those questions.”
So while Carlson does provide some interesting information on something that clearly isn’t nearly as much of a problem as, say, systemic racism, he’s clearly not interested in solutions. Rather, he’s all about pushing a misogynist message, popular in “men’s rights” circles, that women have come too far at the expense of men and it would be so much better if we could return to an “outdated” time when women (and minorities) knew their place.
Watch how Carlson (dis)honors Women’s History Month below, from the March 7, 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
ymmv 😎😎😎
_ucker’s only feeling “oppressed” because he wasn’t invited to help conduct the study . . .