Tucker Carlson wants Donald Trump to stop listening to son-in-law Jared Kushner and start acting more like the racist authoritarian Carlson longs for.
In Carlson’s 26-minute commentary last night, he openly urged the Fan-in-Chief to turn the U.S. military on American citizens and attacked Kushner for advising him to do otherwise.
CARLSON: The nation went up in flames this weekend. No one in charge stood up to save America. Our leaders dithered.
TRUMP: If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.
CARLSON: Good for him. Immediately after that address, the president walked over to St. John's which, as we just told you, was burning fewer than 24 hours ago and that provided a powerful symbolic gesture. It was a declaration that this country, our national symbols, our oldest institutions will not be desecrated and defeated by nihilistic destruction. We fervently hope this all works.
What Americans want most right now is an end to this chaos, they want their cities to be saved. They want this to stop immediately.
If the commander-in-chief cannot stop it, he will lose in November. The left will blame him for the atrocities they encouraged and some voters will agree.
Donald Trump is the president. Presidents save countries. That's their job. That's why we hire them. It's that simple.
Some key advisors around the president don't seem to understand this or the gravity of the moment. No matter what happens, they'll tell you, our voters aren't going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock solid. What choice do they have? They've got to vote for us.
Jared Kushner, for one has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Donald Trump's voters than Jared Kushner does, and no one expresses it more frequently.
In 2016, Donald Trump ran as a law and order candidate because he meant it, and his views remain fundamentally unchanged today.
But the president's famously sharp instincts, the ones that won him the presidency almost four years ago, have been since subverted at every level by Jared Kushner. This is true on immigration, on foreign policy and especially on law enforcement.
As crime in this country continues to rise, Jared Kushner has led a highly aggressive effort to let more criminals out of prison and back on to the streets.
This is reckless. At this moment in time, it is insane. It continues to happen.
The president seems to sense this. At times he seems aware he is being led in the wrong direction. He often derides Kushner as a liberal and that's correct, Kushner is, but Kushner has convinced the president that throwing open the prisons is the key to winning African-American votes in the fall, and that those votes are essential to his reelection.
Several times over the past few days, the president has signaled that he would very much like to crack down on rioters -- that is his instinct. If you've watched him, you'll believe it.
But every time he has been talked out of it by Jared Kushner and by aides that Kushner has hired and controls. Kushner's assumption, apparently, is that African-American voters like looting. That is wrong.
Normal Americans of all colors hate looting, obviously. Why wouldn't they hate looting? They are decent people.
Carlson is playing up his insider status here by highlighting, or at least claiming, he knows how Trump talks about Kushner behind his back. Normally, I’d say that it’s never a good idea for an outsider to attack a family member, no matter how righteous you think your cause or who's side you think you're on. But in this case, it’s hard to know whether Trump holds Fox News or his family in higher esteem.
You can watch Carlson go after Kushner below, from the June 1, 2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight.