Proud gay-basher Tucker Carlson actually believes that there is no such thing as transgender identity because of biology. Stupid and vile, right? But it gets worse. On Monday night’s show, he and Mark Steyn used the case of a transgender high school wrestler to get even more down and dirty in the transphobic mud.
Carlson began the toxicity with his report about a recent Texas high school wrestling championship that was won by a transgender boy, Mack Beggs (Carlson: “Mack - that’s right.”). Carlson described Beggs as “although biologically female, Mack is transitioning to male” while taking testosterone and steroids. He informed us that Beggs is competing as a female because Texas rules require that athletes compete according to the designated gender on their birth certificates.
Carlson snarked, “If that’s not confusing enough, well it is.” He added that this confusion was why he invited (hate monger and Islamophobe) Mark Steyn to provide his hate-filled opinion.
Carlson (not a clinician), who has claimed that allowing children to select their gender “undermines parental rights,” set up the anti-transgender message: “I think it’s worth being paranoid about every new development because they always are a slippery slope actually, despite claims to the contrary.” Sporting his best confused look, Carlson asked, “Why is girls’ sports not over? Boys have a massive physical biological advantage in a lot sports and if you allow boys to compete as girls, then what happens to girls?”
Steyn, who believes neo-Nazis are better than undocumented immigrants, agreed that this could signify the end of girls’ sports. Also, that this is “one of the biggest stories of our time.” (As opposed to an epidemic of school shootings?).
Steyn told a silly joke about how, when he was at school, the boys, when asked their sex would say “yes, please” and the girls would say “female.”
Steyn (also not a clinician) further opined: “Somewhere along the way, the word “sex,” the two sexes were abolished and replaced by the word “gender” and in the course of that, we lost not just the great schoolboy joke, but in a sense, we lost that clear distinction and so we have replaced the two biological sexes with a multiplicity of genders and the abolition of the sexes is, in fact, not a small thing.”
He accused Texas of responding to “some of these modish fancies” by requiring “biological” girls and boys to compete with other biological girls and boys. “This is a way of just saying, 'Well, whatever you do, whatever laws you pass to protect traditional sex roles and girls’ sports and boys’ sports, we’re going to ride a coach and horses through it anyway and you’re done and it’s over.' It is one of the biggest stories of our time.”
Not surprisingly, Carlson agreed. He asserted he’s not doing the story “for any prurient reason” but for its “profound” implications because “the way that men and women get along is the basis of society."
Carlson expressed “fascination” that “a small group of people can determine what the rest of us are allowed to say out loud about even biology. We’re now required to lie about biology and we’re punished if we don’t. How did that happen? No one really believes this. Only about eight people do and they’re in control. How?”
Steyn whined about how “the left” demonizes climate skeptics as “anti-science,” but “we are actually abolishing biology in a lot of this.” He complained that if he were to “misgender this girl who is transitioning into a boy, there would be a Twitter storm about how I’d misgendered him or her and that was disgraceful.” He brought up “facts” about this boy such as the drugs that he is taking which have “ruined the girls’ state championship for all the un-drugged, un-steroided girl wrestlers.”
For Steyn, the greatest problem was “the loss of seemliness.” If students want to transition, he argued, “Maybe that means you have to give up the wrestling, that you can’t have everything. That you should take up the violin instead. Not wreck a sport, not wreck a statewide sport, for all the other participants."
Nice. Instead of focusing on “the archaic rules that kept him [Beggs] in the girls category against his wishes,” Carlson and Steyn demonized this kid who, according to Steyn, represents the demise of happy, heterosexual life as we know it.
Maybe Carlson and Steyn should take up the violin instead of proffering their stupid and bigoted commentary on Fox News.
Watch the jaw-dropping punditry below, from the February 26, 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight.
I’m not so confident with other languages, but the French at least classify anything and everything according to is assigned ‘gender’. It would not sound quite as je ne sais quoi to ask a Frenchperson “What sex is your pencil-case?”