Donald Trump made an unscheduled visit to the hospital yesterday and press secretary Stephanie Grisham, who has a history of dishonesty, wants us to believe Trump just decided to do part of his annual exam three months early.
As Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty put it, the only thing we should really believe about Trump’s supposed decision to get part of his annual physical started three months early is that we should not believe the explanation:
So now the oldest president in U.S. history claims the purpose of his two-hour medical visit, which was not on his public schedule, was to conduct “phase one of my yearly physical. Everything very good (great!). Will complete next year.” Phase one? What does that entail? Has anyone else ever taken a routine physical in installments spread out over months? Has he signed up for some kind of quirky flexible spending plan with his insurance?
Tumulty further noted that there is a long history of presidents lying about their health and Trump has been caught lying about that as well as almost everything else.
Grisham, too, has a record of chicanery. in fact, given her record before becoming press secretary, no sane person would consider her word - pardon the pun, unimpeachable.
But Fox News host Jeanine Pirro didn’t question one word of Grisham’s obvious baloney during their friendly chat last night:
GRISHAM: We’ve got a really busy year ahead, as you can imagine, and so the president decided to go to Walter Reed and kind of get a head start with some routine checkups as part of his annual exam. That’s all it was, it was very routine. We had a down day today, and so he made the decision to head there.
He is healthy as can be. I put a statement out about that. He’s got more energy than anybody in the White House. That man works from 6:00 a.m. until, you know, very, very late at night. He’s doing just fine.
Pirro is a former judge and prosecutor. You’d think she’d know a load of BS when it’s unloaded on her. But here she all but begged for more.
“You know, Stephanie, he’s almost superhuman,” Pirro raved. “I don’t know how anyone can deal with what he’s dealing with.”
Watch Pirro help Grisham deceive the public below, from the November 16, 2019 Justice with Judge Jeanine.
Given that we cannot trust the Pence White House to say the truth about anything, we really have no way of knowing whether it was severe chest pains or something else that motivated Pence’s childish spokesman to suddenly run to Walter Reed. But we do know that it would have had to be severe for him to do this with no notice. This is a man who doesn’t like doctors and is a germaphobe. And also a man who has noticeably gained a massive amount of weight in the past three years and does not exercise. I’m honestly shocked that this is the first time he’s been forced to see a doctor about it.
If Trump were to keel over today, it would not really change anything at the Pence White House anyway, given that Pence sets all the policy. So I don’t see that anything would change until we hopefully vote Pence out next November.
And I’ll finally note that I have no personal preference about what happens with the health of Pence’s childish spokesman. I don’t wish good or ill to him. I do feel sorry for him, given the tremendous negativity he’s generated for everyone, but I don’t empathize with him. If he’s suffering, it’s nothing compared to the suffering he’s gleefully caused others. And if he’s worried about his healthcare, then maybe he can take that up with the millions of people whose coverage he’s been taking away.
Amongst many other horrors he has visited upon America and the world, his callous abandonment of the Kurds and manipulation of the Ukrainians in the face of Putin’s invasion cement his boots for my money.
Physical ailments can be induced by situations where everybody but everybody is telling him what he does not want to hear. E.g. This is bad, Mr. President, really bad. YOU SHOULD NOT TOUCH THAT PHONE!
Withdrawal symptoms, pure and simple.
There’s an uncorroborated ‘story’ that Trump was admitted over chests pains. Given Trump’s poor mental health condition (clinical narcissism leads to stress inducing rages), age (oldest pr^sident), poor diet (Walter Reed have a McDonald’s?), and lack of exercise (laying in bed half the day watching Fox News) it is quite believable.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1195865970297970689&
The sad thing about our scumbag pr^sident is he’s lied so frequently – I lost count at 14,000 – nobody believes anything he says. Ever.
Heck, the latest big example is a couple days ago people showed up for a scheduled Trump signing of a decision memo on banning flavored e-cigarettes. Too bad, so sad the night before he changed his mind after a particularly good b-j from industry lobbyists and – fake out guys! – no way was he going to keep that public promise. Apparently lung disease and addiction creates jobs.
While I agree with Bemused I wish no ill health on Trump (I’ve spent so many months in hospitals and countless hours in medical clinics I’m all empathy), this is probably karma. Because I suspect the main source of Trump’s heart attack inducing stress is the pile of lies he’s built around himself to cover up his corruption and incompetence. When Trump looks in the mirror he knows what he is and that would cause anyone chest pains.
That said, the playbook used by these sycophants is the same one used by the fear-driven subjects of every dictator/autocrat who ever ruled.
Finally, I will be using that phrase “liar-for-hire”. Thanks John McKee!