An article about the mutual love between Donald Trump and Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, also the ex-wife of Trump’s alleged mob-connected former attorney, had a surprising revelation about the lengths to which Trump aides to go to keep him from spouting off.
From a Josh Dawsey article in yesterday’s Washington Post (with my emphases added):
Pirro, formerly a prosecutor in New York, often delivers strident defenses of the president and scores high ratings, which the president notes to advisers.
In the White House communications shop, officials rotate going on Pirro’s show because they know Trump will be watching — and partially to prevent him from calling in himself, several officials said, as he did earlier this year.
“Someone has to be on the show every week,” an official said.
When Trump called in to Pirro’s show in late February, he rambled on and on but displayed a shocking ignorance about the Democratic response – that he had attacked - to the so-called Nunes memo.
As I’ve previously noted, Pirro and Trump go way back. Her allegedly mob-connected and thuggish ex-husband was once kept on retainer by Trump (presumably not after the ex went to jail for tax fraud).
Pirro is writing a sure-to-be-flattering book about Trump that seems to be something of a rebuttal to Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury.” Probably without the same blockbuster sales, however. Dawsey also reported that while neither Trump nor Chief of Staff John F. Kelly often give on-the-record interviews, both did so for Pirro’s book. Kelly gave her a half hour and Trump even longer.
Watch the phone interview in which not even Pirro could make Trump look good - and which makes Trump aides willing to give up a chunk of their Saturday nights for - below, from the February 24, 2018 Justice with Judge Jeanine.
(Pirro image via screen grab)
Mr. President, this is why your rating approval is going down fast! Two Words: Jeanine Pirro
The Westchester News