Extremist Rep. Steve Stockman wants the U.S. Congress to send its Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Lois Lerner, the focal person of the Republicans’ IRS scandal and one of the pegs on which they hang their impeachment hopes. Megyn Kelly distanced herself from the idea and even gently made fun of it when Stockman appeared on her show tonight. But she presented him as a mainstream Republican and never told the “we report, you decide” viewers some facts that might have had them laughing at Stockman more overtly.
As Right Wing Watch reports, Stockman is a birther who rewarded Ted Nugent with a ticket to the State of the Union after he threatened the life of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last month, Stockman suggested Obama is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer.
But Kelly revealed none of that information.
Kelly was obviously skeptical when she asked Stockman, “So you want the Sergeant of Arms (sic) of the U.S. Congress to go knock on (Lerner’s) door, pick her up and throw her in, I guess, a D.C. jail?”
That’s exactly what Stockman wanted:
Yeah, this is just the same as if you have a contempt citation in a court of law where you don’t obey and the judge can order you arrested. Congress looks inept when we don’t carry through. We issued a contempt order against her and we need to act upon it.
Stockman called the Department of Justice process “a farce” and said that only a simple majority in the House would be needed. “She would be arrested and brought to jail,” he added.
I give Kelly props for offering some challenge to Stockman. But it was all done in friendliness - quite a contrast to her contentious interview with ObamaCare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, e.g., who has more credibility in his little finger than Stockman has in toto. But Kelly’s overall gentle treatment signaled that Stockman is a good guy the viewers should like the way she seemed to.
Watch the discussion below.
“Congress looks inept when we don’t carry through.”
Um, this Congress has held more than FORTY SEPARATE “SYMBOLIC” VOTES to overturn Obamacare — and NONE to create jobs.
You’re WAAAY PAST the point of “looking inept” . . .
“We issued a contempt order against her and we need to act upon it.”
Now now, Steve . . .
Karl Rove was subpoenaed to answer questions for his role the US Attorney Dismissal Scandal and politicization of the Justice Dept. twice: by the Senate Judiciary Committee in May ’07 and by the HJC in May ’08; he resigned without ever responding to the Senate, and responded to the House nearly a year and half later, in July ’09 (seven months past the date he was required to appear.)
If you can wait all that time for Uncle KKKarl — and the US Senate can keep waiting — surely you can wait a little bit for Lerner . . .
After you get the Sergeant at Arms of the US House of Representatives to arrest Lerner (which he has no authority to do, as Lerner isn’t a congresswoman — but that’s another story), how ’bout getting him to arrest Mike Huckabee, whose staff apparently “cleaned and physically destroyed all hard drives from staff computers while he was in office” as AR governor?
I mean, as long as we’re arresting people for losing emails and destroying hard drives . . .