The righteous right loves to accuse liberals of being evil, vicious, mean, and nasty. They promote, especially on Fox News, the meme that liberals treat conservatives with contempt. But the phrase, pot meet kettle comes to mind in considering the conservative trashing of Jonathan Krohn who, as a 13 year old conservative, was hailed as the "second coming" by those on the right and Fox News. Now that Krohn has grown up and has abandoned his conservative principals that endeared him to the right, those same folks are attacking him. Not surprisingly the usual sweet Christians on "The Five" joined in the fun which, while not as vicious as some of the right wing bullying, was still rather mean spirited. I suspect that if Bill Maher attacked some liberal turned conservative kid, there would howls of indignation about liberal bullies.
After playing video of a 13 year old Krohn speaking at C-PAC, the clearly disappointed gang did engaged in a little pop psychology about what happened. Gutfeld "joked" about "Krohn's disease." Eric Bolling whined that "we got suckered by him." Kimberly Guilfoyle said "Well, he gives in to the whole P.C. thing and now that he's older and 17, he wants to be liked by his peers and he fell into just the mainstream media and the dating world." There was more "analysis" with the conclusion seeming to be that Krohn, who is pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and pro-Obama, is just a silly kid who's still being used and using others to get publicity. I suspect that if he were still a conservative The Five would be praising him for his profundity.
Actually, I dated a couple of girls that I met at protests while in high school. Nuclear non-proliferation and Shoreham were two of my causes in high school. Always met nice, intelligent, like-minded girls at protests and demonstrations for them, and it didn’t hurt that they were usually Dead fans to boot. Discussing politics was like discussing the weather to us.
I’ve known that “the five” have been suckers for years…
If Bill Maher so much as snickered about a liberal wonderkid who turned Conservative when he grew up and his views changed, there’s be death threats by the dozen, and you know it.
And I hope someone who has Crohn’s disease, (or has a loved one suffering from it) punches Gutfeld in the mouth. I’m getting really sick of his jokes where the punchline is that serious diseases and disorders are hilarious to him.