On Fox News, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) didn’t go so far as to say murder-curious and conspiracy theorist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene should be expelled from Congress. But he certainly didn’t sound like he’d mind seeing her stripped of her committee positions, as she was a bit later in the day.
Host Neil Cavuto brought up Taylor Greene in an interview with Cassidy that touched on several issues.
CAVUTO: You had noted the fact that [Taylor Greene] has discredited the conservative movement. You went on to say, ‘as far as I’m concerned, she’s not in my tent.’ Should she be in the US Congress?
CASSIDY: I will leave that up to the voters and to the House. I’m a Senator. But I will point out, anytime somebody says with a straight face that a Jewish family set off laser beams to start fires in California and those spread, you’ve got to first say, wait, is this like a satire? And then when you realize it was said seriously, that person should not be taken seriously. So, the conservative movement is needed now more than ever as we see what’s coming out of the White House and I think it’s time for us to be very serious, not to listen to that which is unserious.
CAVUTO: Now, he spoke up and said that she regrets some of the remarks she has made, that has since she has gotten to Congress she hasn’t said any of this kind of stuff. Do you believe her?
CASSIDY: Well, what I’ve been told is that she will not publicly disavow them. Regret is different than disavowing. You must disavow, you must condemn, you must say that is not a part of me and is not a part of our movement, and there can be no ifs ands or buts about it. That smacks of anti-Semitism, that should not be a part of either party. It smacks of out and out lunatics. A laser beam from outer space is starting a wildfire? That is not something which is going to address the nation’s problems. That’s something in which at worst makes conspiracy theories, I mean who could believe that? … To be distracted with that sort of thing, deleterious to our conservative movement, harmful to our country.
I haven’t seen a Republican politician on Fox rip Taylor Greene like that. Good for Sen. Cassidy.
You can watch it below, from the February 4, 2021 Your World.