It's the start of a new week and that means it's time for another Outrageous Fox Quote of the Week poll. Check out our current crop of candidates after the jump.
This week's nominees are:
Sheriff David Clarke defending his tweet, calling for “pitchforks and torches,” by likening it to the Declaration of Independence:
“I’m suggesting the same thing the Founding Fathers did in the 1770s when they drew up the Declaration of Independence. Which is why I always say, ‘Go back and read your Declaration of Independence.’ It’s right there.”
Lou Dobbs, praising Donald Trump for refusing to say he’ll honor the results of the election:
“All of this drama about whether he would accept the results of the election. What kind of chump would say I’m going to accept the results of the election open-ended? No requirement that it be absolutely free, fair and correct?
He has conditions: A lack of corruptions. He’s the reform candidate! He’s the change candidate! Why should he put up with more corruptions when it goes to the very issue as to whether or not he will be sitting in the Oval Office? I think any one of us would demand that and should, as voters.”
Trish Regan, suggesting to Neil Cavuto that a camera and lighting conspiracy made Hillary Clinton look better than Donald Trump at last week’s debate:
“Lighting matters in TV ... What I said to Neil was, did no one from his [Trump’s] team actually go out there and look at that shot? Take a look at it because I don’t know if he just didn’t have any makeup on but, or if it was simply the lights themselves.
[Clinton] looked phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. The makeup, the hair - all of that terrific. He, on the other hand, really looked as though he bypassed the makeup department. Or it may have just been as simple as the light itself. Did he not get as soft a light?
… You could tell that there was a difference in the appearance of his shot versus hers and, frankly, it did not compliment him."
Donald Trump, boasting that his effort to delegitimize election results is a HUGE public service:
“I mean, you have 1.8 million people who are dead who are registered to vote. And some of them absolutely vote. Now, you know, tell me how they do that. There’s only one way. But you have two and a half million people or so that are registered in two states. That means they’re voting twice.
Look, we have a system. I’m a big believer in the system. I love our country. But I think I’ve done a great service by pointing this out and a lot of people agree with what I’m saying. That I can tell you.”
Brit Hume, victim-shaming Jessica Drake, the adult film actress who has accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment and offering her $10,000 to come to his hotel room.
“Woman who has sex on camera for $ says Trump propositioned her. "This is not acceptable behavior." Please.”
Cast your vote below.
There is not bigger story than sore loser Trump undermining our democratic system with his “rigged system” demagoguery. If memory serves, something like 70% of Republicans think Hillary is going to win because of Democrat voter fraud.
It’s a bigger story than even Hair Hilter empowering the Stormfront crowd with his race baiting. The Donald’s narcissistic insistence he’s winning except for liberal media and Democrat corruption is the roots for fellow Outrageous Quote of the Week Hall of Famer Sheriff Clarke’s outrageous "pitchforks vomit. 😡