We’ve got an unusually large number of Outrageous Fox Quote of the Week candidates in this week’s poll. I just couldn’t resist each of them! Check them out after the jump.
Burgess Owens on the George Floyd protesters:
What we’re up against is Marxism. We have an enemy out there and what we’re seeing right now is the true evil of that. … We find this in most of these blue states where you have governors who have not only shut down businesses for the last three months, don’t want to open them up, and then you have these mayors who actually allow these people to come in and destroy businesses across the board. These small businesses will come back strong, and we have Marxists that are actually up against that.
So we have to realize who our enemy is. I’m looking forward to a president looking at these people as terrorists because that’s who they really are and they need to pay the price for being so.
It’s not about George any more, it’s about our country, it’s about those who hate our nation. And I’m going to be straight up front with you. For those in Democratic party, look at your leadership. You have evil being done by your leadership. People want to see hurt and harm to American people, our economy, pain, that’s what they do in every single state they live in and every single city [they] oversee.[T]his same party that once had a terrorist arm, the KKK, now has a terrorist arm, Antifa. … For my Democratic friends out there, realize what your party’s doing right now. They’re trying to divide us. We cannot stand for this.
Martha MacCallum, likening Donald Trump’s photo op at St. John’s Church to Abraham Lincoln worshiping there:
One of the most moving places in that church to me is the back pew where Abraham Lincoln would walk from the White House, slip in to hear the service, and usually slip out right as it ended and just walk, just as President Trump is right now, across Lafayette Park, back to the White House.
And you know, it almost feels, you know, when you watch the president walking through this area, just sort of, you know retaking this territory where we saw such extraordinary and shocking lawlessness…
Tucker Carlson on the recent looting:
Some Democrats have openly embraced what is happening. Really they don't have much of a choice. These are their voters cleaning out the Rolex store. These riots effectively are the largest Joe Biden for President rally on record.
Donald Trump, to Brian Kilmeade:
[Chris Cuomo’s] ratings are terrible. Unlike your ratings at Fox and Friends where you're doing fantastically well.
Thank you, Mr. President. I think I help you a lot, but you have three great people including you.
You used to be a six then you got to be a seven or eight. And now you're approaching the nine territory, but those other two are great.
Brian Kilmeade, responding to his “promotion” from a six to “nine territory”:
Thanks. I'm just -- there's always room for improvement. And that's what a good coach does -- you leave room for improvement.
Brit Hume, attacking Joe Biden’s speech on the George Floyd protests:
[Biden] had about two sentences or so in that speech of some length in which he expressed disapproval of the violence. All the rest of it was the same grievance, black grievance politics that we’ve been hearing for decades now.
It was absolute boilerplate, dressed up in some well-done rhetoric, but that's really what it was. And you would never know, listening to Biden's speech that it wasn't still 1968. The Civil Rights legislation that you would never know that ever passed that.
You know, countless blacks have moved into the middle class. We'd never know any of that. That racial progress has been extraordinary in this country.
Has any country on earth, Tucker, ever tried harder to right the racial wrongs as this country has? If it has, I'd like to know which it is because I don't know that that's the case.
It was quite jarring to hear the black president talk about how racist the country is that elected him twice and he was there for the last eight years and this country is still racist, it’s systematically racist. Not sure what that means.
Dan Patrick, demonstrating that his Christian love may be lacking toward the left:
We have racism in this country, Shannon, but it’s really an issue of love. It’s loving God. You cannot love your fellow man if you don’t love God and we have a country where we’ve been working really hard, particularly on the left, to kick God out.
Brian Kilmeade, after Mayor Bill de Blasio invoked the song “Imagine” to rebut calls to defund police:
John Lennon wouldn’t be safe in this city right now. He’d be hiding in his apartment!
There’s no systemic racism, there are individual racists, but this is a big lie because we refuse to talk about the things that are real like family formation, non-family formation, the fact that there’s more crime in the city, the fact that there’s other problems. But, you know, Obama had eight years, Martha, and he had Democrats in charge for a lot of that. You know, what happened then? Not much.
Lou Dobbs was the runaway winner of last week’s poll for his ridiculous claim that Donald Trump is “arguably the greatest president in our history.” You can check out the full poll and results here.
But make sure to cast your vote in this week’s poll below. The poll will remain open until 11:59 PM on June 14, 2020.
May the worst quote win!
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