Fox News made the most of President Obama’s short time left in office by once again attacking his legacy in advance and pre-whining about what he may say tonight during his farewell address.
Much like they did on December 26, 2016, Fox’s Outnumbered show complained before the fact yesterday that Obama will not be classy enough to Trump. This time, the concern trolling was over Obama’s farewell speech tonight.
Trump-cheerleading cohost Lisa Boothe introduced the segment: “President Obama is giving his farewell speech tomorrow night and he’s reportedly expected to take some time to criticize President-elect Trump.”
Boothe claimed that Obama’s January 7th weekly address was a preview of what he’s likely to say tonight.
OBAMA: Remember that America is a story told over a longer time horizon. In fits and starts, punctuated at times by hardships, but ultimately written by generations of citizens who’ve somehow worked together, without fanfare, to form a more perfect union … we have made America a better, stronger place for the generation that follows ours.
Boothe then set up the Obama attacking: “A new national poll shows President Obama falling short as our nation’s leader,” she said. She was referring to an AP-NORC poll showing, among other things, that 44% believe the country is more divided now.
Boothe prodded Fox legal expert Andrew Napolitano to start attacking Obama with her question, “Do you think if President Obama takes time in his farewell address to take shots at Donald Trump, do you think maybe that’s the reason why we are so divided?”
Napolitano responded by suggesting Obama hates this country:
NAPOLITANO: It could very well be and I think it would be a terrible thing if he did that. I would like to see him once and for all - he hasn’t done this in eight years - wrap his arms around the American people but I’m afraid that’s not his style. I could not disagree more with what he said in that little clip. We have less freedom, less safety, less prosperity then we did eight years ago because of these utopian experiments and unrealistic foreign policy that he has presided over.
Next Boothe set up Trump cheerleader Harris Faulkner to attack Obama: “We’re about to start a new Congress. If this is the kind of tone that President Obama takes in his farewell speech tomorrow, I mean, what precedent does that set for anything getting done in this new Congress?”
Faulkner snarked: “I want to know who the quarter, the twenty-five or so percent who believe that the country is not divided. [The panel all started laughing] Where are they living?”
“They’re in Hollywood,” Napolitano quipped.
Faulkner then lectured Obama:
FAULKNER: I guess those will be the people who’re listening to the president’s every word. And that’s fine. It would be so healing and helpful if the president did what he said that the rest of us should do eight years ago and that is dial up our better angels. Right? Didn’t he put a spin on that? That was kind of his phrase. He says that the arc of history bends. Remember those quotes? If he would roll out some of those … that would be so helpful.
Last, we heard from cohost Meghan McCain. She recycled her ridiculous talking point from December 26, that Obama is jealous of Trump’s popularity, adding: “His legacy for the past eight years has been a complete and total failure, hope and change was a con pulled over on the American public and he ushered in the era of Trump.”
Watch the whining below from the January 9, 2017 edition of Outnumbered.