On Fox News Sunday today, Newt Gingrich sounded more like a candidate conceding a race than one who's still running in one. As The Hill reported, "'I think you have to be realistic, given the size of (Mitt Romney's) organization, given the number of primaries he's won, he is far and away the most likely Republican nominee,' Gingrich said this morning on Fox News Sunday." Also, after attacking Romney as a "Massachusetts moderate" throughout the primary campaign, Gingrich now says, "I suspect he will accept a solid, conservative platform.”
TPM noted that Gingrich also talked about what he'll do after Romney wins the nomination - working "to help defeat Obama in any way I could. Whatever the team thinks I can do to be helpful I will do.” He also plans to “go back to a post-political career.”
Gingrich also sounded like he was admitting defeat when he said, “I’m glad I did this... It was the right thing for me to do at that point both in my life and for where I thought the country was. So I have no regrets.”
Video will be embedded when it's available later today.
Newton, along with Frothy, only had one purpose in this race: to fire up the teabagger constituency that couldn’t relate to Romney — and he served that purpose when he won SC.
As I’ve said before, it’s gonna be, and it always was gonna be, Mittens . . . for the simple reason that it’s the Kochsucker Brothers who are the exclusive bankrollers of the 2012 GOP: since they want a return on their investment, they don’t want a convention floor fight . . . and it stands to reason they’d want their guy, a one-percenter like themselves, in the top spot . . .
I think that even if something like that happens… Romney has shown to be far too out of touch. And a lot of the time, he just flat doesn’t care about us. Remember, this is the guy who thought his father putting 4300 people out of work was hilarious- if the economy tanked tomorrow, and no third option opened up, who would you elect?
Not the guy who would laugh at you being starving and unemployed, that’s for damn sure.
After this year, they’ll be looking to freshen up their commentating – I have a feeling they will drop Sarah Palin by the end of the year in favor of Santorum and other faces.
This has been a hard year for them, and we’re only in early April now. It’s still possible that Romney could win the election – if the economy completely tanks, or if there’s some kind of major incident where they can paint Obama in a bad light. But however the Supreme Court decides on Health Care, it doesn’t seem to be something that will really affect the election.
What is sad for the GOP is that they are once again getting a candidate that most of them don’t even want. Had any of the harder right candidates acted less selfishly, they might have been able to pull together a coalition that would have stopped Romney by now. Instead, they all tried to knock each other out. There’s a great line from the 1983 comedy SCARFACE: “Never underestimate the OTHER GUY’S GREED!”
Does anyone besides me find it sad that the right couldn’t even put up someone good enough to beat Romney? I mean, seriously- when he wasn’t corrupt, he was still incredibly stupid.