Neil Cavuto hosted Michele Bachmann yesterday to discuss Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget. Although Bachmann predictably praised it unequivocally, Cavuto made lots of digs. Fox News host taking shots at a major Republican initiative? Not a good sign for said initiative.
Of course, there’s always balance for any Republican criticism and Bachmann filled that role well. She gushed, "What's not to love in this Paul Ryan plan? We have a future and a hope for the next generation, as opposed to seeing the U.S. come close toward an economic collapse. This is the direction that we need to go and we need to stand by it and support it."
Cavuto asked, "Does it worry you, Congresswoman, that so few of your Republican colleagues are standing behind him. You are, I commend you for that, but not a whole lot are?"
Bachmann was undeterred. "We want a positive option for growth in the private sector, and that's where the Ryan plan leads us," she said.
Cavuto questioned the Medicare provision "changing Medicare as we know it for those 55 and under - to a program where the government where the government would essentially underwrite efforts to find health insurance elsewhere."
Michele "The Democrats can go ahead and try (making it a big campaign issue). …What Paul Ryan's plan does and does very effectively is attack the real problem in health care, which is increased costs." She wanted to "open up the private sector, have more competition, and that will actually bring down the price of health care for senior citizens. When seniors realize that they'll be getting better quality health care and pay less for it, this will be a very positive shining example that seniors will want."
Neil read a Republican staffers tweet. "The GOP budget is a great tool to further divide our caucus and provide fodder for Democrat attack ads. Thank you, Paul Ryan."
Bachmann responded, "What we need to do is be prepared to stand up for our good ideas… This cuts spending, it cuts taxes, it grows the private economy. Isn’t that what our Republican message is?"
Cavuto asked about hurting "the less fortunate, the elderly."
Bachmann said, "The federal government tells us that effectively, our economy in the United States will effectively shut down in 15 years… We're the ones who are trying to be the adults in the room and provide a positive path forward." She continued "When I was running for President…, I was advocating far more spending cuts and lower tax rates."
Center for American Progress shows the many ways the Ryan plan hurts everyone except the top 1%. What's not to hate is what many will ask.