Hatriot Michelle Malkin apparently thinks that only conservative women are harassed and threatened for their political beliefs and – while claiming to desire “a more peaceful environment,” sure sounded like she was itching for a physical confrontation.
Malkin appeared with fellow Conservative Martyr Pam Bondi on Fox News Saturday night, as one of several segments in which host Jeanine Pirro falsely claimed that only conservative women are confronted, challenged or harassed in public.
“This is toxic. This is not healthy,” Malkin claimed.
Pirro, who seems oblivious to threats Donald Trump has made toward women (and men), asked Malkin, “What do you do” about this situation. Malkin seemed more interested in ramping up hostilities than in lowering them.
MALKIN: Well, you arm yourself both literally and figuratively. I have a concealed weapons permit. I have had one for 10 to 15 years back to my days as an editorial writer and columnist at the "Seattle Times," before that at the "Los Angeles Daily News," where I faced my first death threat from the Mexican mafia.
Conservative women never run from a fight. We’re the ones that run towards the fire. And showing no fear is the first thing that is necessary. And of course, we’re all women in either public office or in the public square, but what conservative women and Trump women know is, anybody is vulnerable to this now. And we know that we can risk the principles and our lives for that and we are willing to do it. That's why the left goes after us.
Later, Pirro asked, “At some point, do we have to tamp it down?”
Again, Malkin showed no inclination for doing anything to resolve conflict. If anything, she seemed eager to drive an even bigger wedge between right and left:
MALKIN: Well, we are not the ones who have to tamp it down. The climate of hatred from the left and the progressives, their demonization and dehumanization particularly of women. I talked about this, the four stages of female conservative abuse that everyone has faced from Phyllis Schlafly to Michelle Bachmann to Sarah Palin, to this generation now of young millennials who are facing this on college campuses.
We are not the ones -- the onus and the burden is not on us. If they started treating conservative women as women who believe in their principles and care about children and families, then we get a much more peaceful environment.
Pirro never challenged a word.
By painting herself and other conservatives as potential victims of physical harm (while conveniently ignoring physical threats by conservatives to liberals) who need to be armed, Malkin is setting the stage for someone to feel justified in reacting to verbal confrontation with violence.
Watch this disturbing discussion below, from the June 30, 2018 Justice with Judge Jeanine.