Karl Rove visited The O’Reilly Factor to offer his take on President Obama’s comments on race. This, after O'Reilly's vicious harangue against African Americans and Obama. First, there was “liberal” Juan Williams who slobbered over O’Reilly’s diatribe. Nevertheless, Williams was “balanced” by conservative Mary Katharine Ham in the same segment. But even that must have been too much “fairness” for the Factor folks because they followed that with Karl Rove.
O’Reilly disingenuously introduce Rove as a “Fox News analyst.” But most people probably think of him as a dirty trickster, Republican operative extraordinaire and the suspected outer of CIA agent Valerie Plame. So don’t tell me O’Reilly didn’t have any expectations when he asked Rove, “Did you have any problem with the president and what he said on Friday?” O’Reilly was referring to President Obama’s comments on race and the Trayvon Martin case last week. The comments that Fox News has seized on to make racial attacks on Obama.
Sure enough, after a pretense of neutrality (Rove mentioned a few good things he found in the speech), Rove joined the Fox News racial-smears club. “I found a lot between the beginning and the end to be problematic,” Rove said. Then he launched into his criticisms.
This is what is my biggest problem with the president. He personalized this. He said, “I could have been Trayvon Martin 35 years ago.” Really? You would have reacted to the situation, Mr. President, by taking the fellow who confronted you, a Latino, and throwing him down on the ground and whaling the heck out of him? No, no, no, the president has to rise above this.
Surely, Rove knows that that’s not what President Obama meant.But it's a nice way of suggesting that President Obama is a black thug or overly sympathetic to black thugs.
But Rove wasn’t finished:
He could’ve brought the country together to confront something. He could’ve brought the country together in a positive direction. And instead, he uses this and other incidences to build the old resentments. The fundamental assumption of his speech was that this was all about race. That George Zimmerman, a Latino, had confronted Trayvon Martin because Trayvon Martin was black and the result is this was all about race. And you and I know that’s not what this was all about.
Right, Obama should not have talked about the Zimmerman case from the framework of his own African American experience (even though much of the country was) but since he did, that gave Rove license to make racial innuendos that Obama is somehow “too black.” Yeah, that’s looking out for bringing the country together, uh-huh.
Internal GOP clash pits tea party conservatives against Karl Rove
When it comes to divisiveness, Krooked Karl knows what he’s talking about. Read this gem.
Call every radio talk show across the nation, and remind the masses of the great divide between Rove and the Tea Party.
Why face the ugly truth about people such as myself when we’ve spent over 200 years covering it up?! Reality? I don’t want that!!!