And the laughs are on Fox! (h/t Connie M.)
Really funny stuff... especially at Eric Bolling's expense!
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Ellen commented
2012-09-11 03:13:48 -0400
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This aired Friday, 9/7 about the convention on 9/6.
This aired Friday, 9/7 about the convention on 9/6.
Bemused commented
2012-09-11 03:10:16 -0400
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@ohandy1: Satire has always been a political tool (Obama didn’t invent that, either) but you must already know something in order to get the joke. Did you laugh when Clint said “he can’t do that to himself”? If you did, you had the knowledge required to get the joke. Jon Stewart’s team has an evil talent for putting their evil fingers with evil precision on inconvenient reality.
The violence of your reaction suggests that you may have detected some unpleasant (to you) truths in the video.
The violence of your reaction suggests that you may have detected some unpleasant (to you) truths in the video.
Bemused commented
2012-09-09 04:49:09 -0400
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I was hoping someone would do this. The difference could not have been more brazen and blatant. Only the unthinking faithful could be fooled.
Was inspired to coin a trivial (?) definition:
Fox and Friends = One blond barbie sitting between two empty chairs.
Was inspired to coin a trivial (?) definition:
Fox and Friends = One blond barbie sitting between two empty chairs.
truman commented
2012-09-08 22:38:19 -0400
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Why is the Comedy Channel alone in its right-on-point characterization of Faux Noise as nothing but a propaganda tool of the teanut Repugs? The mainstream media (I’m looking at you NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN) should howl with indignation when the Faux frauds pretend to be a real media outlet.
Michael Desantis commented
2012-09-08 17:57:49 -0400
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Thank you Jon, thank you. I still like Clint Eastwood, but it’s funny how the Right forgave Clint, when they were outrage when clint made Million Dollar Baby.