While the rest of the country remained roiled over the shooting death of an unarmed teenager named Trayvon Martin, Bill O'Reilly - like Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren - ignored the controversy. That's three hours of Fox News prime time without a single discussion of one of the hottest topics of the day. But O'Reilly did find time for a segment on welfare kings. "I'd put him in jail," O'Reilly intoned about one of the men, even though no laws had been demonstrated to have been broken.
I'd say it's not just insensitive but downright insulting to air a segment like this and ignore a tragedy in the African American community that has gripped the nation.
Video available at Mediaite.
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Kent Brockman commented
2012-03-21 00:30:07 -0400
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scott bogle commented
2012-03-20 23:24:33 -0400
Removed for violating rule: Don't be overly inflammatory