What does Sean Hannity do when the whole country is fixated on Stormy Daniels, a porn star who could bring down Donald Trump? Why, pretend to cover the story by making it about the media coverage of Bill Clinton’s sex scandals nearly 20 years ago.
Last night, Trump propaganda-meister Hannity spent the majority of his show whining about the media attention shown Stormy Daniels – as if Hannity wouldn’t be banging the drum for impeachment had she had an extramarital affair with Barack Obama, received hush money from Obama’s personal lawyer and alleged intimidation on the part of his team, as is the case with Trump.
Hannity has never been anything close to a class act. But he was especially vile in his attacks on other media for their coverage. He called CNN the “Sh-hole network,” anchor Anderson Cooper, “CNN’s Jerry Springer” and its head, Jeff Zucker the “porn king.” That’s pretty ironic given the sexually abusive behavior that pervaded Fox not so long ago.
The fact that Hannity can’t just shrug off the Daniels coverage and tune in to Fox News (where Stormy Daniels is almost never discussed) is how you know Dear Leader’s faithful servant must be worried.
Hannity would have you believe we should all be seething with outrage over the disparity between coverage of Stormy Daniels and Bill Clinton’s affairs. I don’t know about you but I can barely remember Clinton’s affairs, much less the coverage of them. But hey, maybe we should impeach him all over again – and forget about the fact that the big issue with Stormy Daniels is that the hush money may have been illegal. Also, the alleged intimidation. That happens to fit a pattern with Trump.
But why go into those details when you can bring back the golden days of the Clinton era when Fox only had to worry about how to attack a president, not defend the one who has probably already clinched the title of “America’s Worst Ever?” Thus we got clips and statistics about coverage of Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones.
Then we got Broaddrick and Jones, themselves, in studio, presumably on Fox's dime. Assuming for the sake of argument they are telling the truth and that Clinton sexually abused them, their stories are not new. They have been extensively discussed on Fox already.
Trump, on the other hand, is the current occupant of the Oval Office. In addition to the potential illegality of his treatment of Daniels, there’s the matter of a large number of women who claim he sexually abused them. Trump just lost a motion to dismiss a lawsuit by one of them, Summer Zervos (for defamation, after he painted her as a liar). His attorney plans to appeal that decision.
Funny how Hannity, who held himself up as such a champion of all women on this show never spent a moment on any of those women. In fact, Hannity never challenged Jones when she said about Daniels, that Trump “did not do something that was a crime.”
Not surprisingly, on Fox & Friends this morning, “I’m not in the tank for Trump” cohost Ainsley Earhardt regurgitated the same Clinton whataboutism – after ignoring the Stormy Daniels the day before.
Watch the Hannity hypocrisy below, from the March 26, 2018 Hannity.