Today, Donald Trump revoked press credentials for The Washington Post after they called him out for blowing the “secret Muslim” dog whistle on President Obama. Most news people condemned Trump’s attempt to stifle the First Amendment. But not Fox’s Brit Hume. He was annoyed at Trump for other reasons.
Hume was upset only because he thought Trump’s move was bad politics. This is especially disturbing given that Hume is a former White House correspondent for ABC News.
HUME: This makes news, however, on a day when Hillary Clinton was seeming to change her tune after he, Trump, had demanded she do so, by saying she’s willing to use the term, “Islamic extremism,” “Islamic terrorism.”
Trump reiterated today, in a serious, thought-out speech his positions on terrorism. This is an issue, this attack, that probably, at least in the near term, will help him. So the question arises, why would you step on it by getting into a big public fracas …when such tactics, pulling credentials and the like, have never done any good?
But wait, there’s more. Trump’s speech today was widely condemned as “horrifying,” and “frightening.” But leave it to a Fox News pundit to call it “serious” and “thought-out.”
Watch it below, from the June 13 Special Report. I apologize for the poor audio quality.
It’s comical watching ‘serious journalist’ Brit Hume on ‘hard news show’ “Special Report” frame his criticism of Trump freezing out the Washington Post only in terms of the optics looking bad for the guy he can’t wait to vote for.
But maybe we can understand Brits disinterest in the media which isn’t dedicated, like FOX, to electing Republicans. So, as Newshounds, points out he drools over Trump’s speech that’s characterized by a mainstream, centrist news outlet like CNN as dishonest:
“Donald Trump stretches facts in fiery post-Orlando speech”