During the Fox News coverage of Super Tuesday, from an almost all-Repubican perspective, contributor Marc Thiessen signaled what will surely be the right-wing messaging going forward.
THIESSEN: You’ve got a race that’s basically coming down to a – Democrats are going to have to choose between socialism and senility.
Somebody off camera laughed. I believe it was Ari Fleischer.
Jessica Tarlov had a good comeback but, unfortunately, my recording failed.
In any event, get ready for “socialism” and “senility” during the rest of the primary season, with one or the other likely afterward.
You can watch it below, from Fox News’ March 3, 2020 coverage of Super Tuesday.
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Willy Grooters commented
2020-03-05 07:05:07 -0500
· Flag
- I agree with Thiessen to be honest. Because look at the age of the candidates Warren, Biden, Bloomberg, Pelosi, Feinstein and Sanders. They are all are at least 70 years old. Why is Washington DC populated with old dinosaurs ? And look at Trump, McConnell & Pence as well ………
John McKee commented
2020-03-05 00:55:17 -0500
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Dangerous territory, Mister Thiessen. If your dear leader’s mental shortcomings began and ended with his ever-increasing senility, that could be managed (as per Reagan). But load sociopathy, rampant narcissism, obstinate ignorance and a definite streak of sadism ON TOP of degrading cognitive function and put that person in the most powerful position on the planet?
Light the blue touch paper and stand well clear!
Light the blue touch paper and stand well clear!