Dr. Nicole Saphier who has parlayed her selfish hatred for Obamacare and her love for disgraced Tom Price into a contributor’s contract, is now playing a legal expert on Fox “News.”
You may recall that Saphier is a radiologist who complained about an increased number of Americans getting health insurance and health care under Obamacare. That kind of anti-Americanism and admiration for the corrupt Tom Price, was no bar to getting a Fox News contract. Her Twitter bio claims she’s “riled by policy & ignorance.”
But not riled enough by ignorance to prevent her lack of credentials from playing a legal expert on TV.
Saphier appeared as a cohost on Fox’s Outnumbered show today. Among the topics discussed was the Department of Justice’s decision to to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey over leaked memos.
Cohost Lisa “Kennedy” Montgomery set the tone by reading a Comey tweet in a mocking voice. So we can chalk up Comey, who spent most of his professional life serving this country, as yet another part of America that Fox News hates, right in sync with Donald Trump.
Kennedy also played a clip of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) claiming that this is “just the beginning,” meaning that Republicans will continue to try to lock up Comey while turning a blind eye to Trump’s criminality. “This is the first chapter in the story of Jim Comey’s criminal culpability, certainly not the last,” we heard Gaetz promise.
The show’s #OneLuckyGuy today was Charles Payne, also someone with no legal or criminal justice background – unless you count his trouble with the SEC that resulted in his paying a fine of $25,000 while not “admitting or denying” wrongdoing.
“Let’s see where this goes,” Payne said hopefully. He opined that Americans want to know about “the misconduct of those people in power.” He meant, of course, those people who dared to investigate Trump, not the guy who puts Russia over America and lines his pockets at taxpayer expense, seemingly at every opportunity.
But at least neither Payne nor Kennedy pretended to be legal experts. Saphier, on the other hand, seemed to think her medical degree entitled her to opine on the legal merits of the case against Comey:
SAPHIER: Look, Comey, he’s disgraced himself professionally, the FBI, now the English language [because he used the word “bruh” in the tweet Kennedy mocked]. … I applaud AG Barr because, I mean, this is a bad case. We may not like Comey because he leaked his diary notes – I’m sorry, his memos – but the point is, it wasn’t a good case to bring forward. So it wasn’t a witch hunt, as Charles alluded, so it is different from the Mueller. … Fine, these people will accept [the decision not to prosecute] as soon as every Democrat accepts Mueller’s report, and there’s no collusion.
Apparently, Saphier missed the part where Mueller specifically rebuked that Trump talking point about "no collusion." Hope she’s more careful reading X-rays than she is with her legal commentary!
Noting that there are more investigations of Comey under way, Saphier gleefully proclaimed, “So Comey’s not out of the woods yet.”
Cohost Dagen McDowell predicted there will be “accountability” for Comey. She sounded like she couldn’t wait.
Of course, nobody saw a need for accountability for Trump.
But, speaking of accountability, let’s see where these Trump lickspittles are in a few years, compared to Comey.
Meanwhile, watch the latest round of hate for America in service to Trump below, from the August 2, 2019 Outnumbered.
Regarding Comey, the Fox sycophants appear to be joining Trump and Barr in their fear campaign to intimidate anyone from investigating Scumbag-In-Chief.