Yesterday, a Chrysler executive responded to Birther Boy Donald Trump's accusation that Chrysler is sending jobs to China by tweeting, "You are full of shit!" Later, the same Chrysler executive tweeted, "I apologize for my language, but lies are just that, lies." As Reuters reported, another Chrysler executive flatly denied Trump's charge. But on Fox Nation, a similar tweet from Trump is part of its "Hot Twitter Box."
Fox Nation describes its "hot Twitter Box" thusly:
The place for some of the hottest, funniest, most insightful tweets from some of your favorite celebrities, pundits and Fox News personalities from now until the election between President Obama and Mitt Romney. Click here until election time for some of the wittiest commentary you'll ever see in 140 characters or less.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban issued a challenge to fellow billionaire Donald Trump: A million bucks to go bald.
Cuban looked directly into the camera to formally issue the challenge.
“Donald, you shave your head, a million dollars to any charity you want.”
No word yet from Trump, who probably prizes his trademark mane more than any of his real estate holdings.
This is the same site that only removes excessive use of the N-Word towards him when articles screen grabbing it become rampant. I’ve begun barely even batting an eyebrow at them.