Mitt Romney is in England – supposedly advancing his foreign policy cred – and yet he keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Less than 48 hours into his visit, he insulted the British by questioning whether they are up to hosting the Olympics. He also appeared to forget the name of Labour Leader Ed Miliband and he improperly boasted about meeting the head of MI6. And that’s not counting the report that his adviser told the Telegraph that President Obama didn’t “fully appreciate” the “Anglo-Saxon heritage” shared by Britain and the U.S. But judging from the home page of or Fox Nation, none of those things ever happened.
As durrati at DailyKos noted, a Telegraph columnist wrote today: Mitt Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive.
But we can expect that reaction to be off Fox’s Romney-cheering/Obama-bashing radar screen, too.
Remember how Fox was the only major media outlet to consistently highlight the President’s alleged “gaffes”?
They yelped about his canceling a shared-podium news conference with Gordon Brown {even though none was scheduled} . . . groused about his giving the Queen the gift of an iPod with show tunes {though reputedly that’s what was requested} . . . and went into an uproar when Michelle Obama had the audacity to “touch” the Queen {even though she returned the gesture.}
Now, what could POSSIBLY be different about Mutt Romney, that they won’t highlight his [actual] gaffes, but spent days talking about Obama’s [nonexistent] ones?
It’s right on the tip of my tongue . . .
“You know, it’s hard to know just how well it… will turn out,” he speculated and went on to cite reports of logistical problems surrounding the planning calling it “disconcerting.”
Romney sez: “There are always a few very small things that end up going not quite right in the first day or so. Those get ironed.”
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One commenter says “the truth hurts the liberal wussie [meaning David Cameron]…tooo fackn bad…this BS about london’s short coming have been knowledge for over 6 months….Ohhh the liberal get hurt by facts again…losr’s.” As others pointed out, Cameron is a Conservative.
Hannity in particular took an oddly moral tone, saying that the quote hadn’t been confirmed and was from an anonymous source.
This is of course strange for Hannity, given that he’s given comfort and shelter to almost every nasty line said about President Obama. But now he gets cold feet about a quote from a Romney advisor in the British press? Huh?