Fox Nation readers are showing what stuff they're made of again and it's not a pretty picture. Today's example is the "compassion" they felt for Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid after his motorcade was involved in a highway accident and he was hospitalized. As a whole, the readers voted the story "cool." Individually, the comments are sickening.
"Civil" and "tolerant" as ever. (H/T Chris S. and Lawrence G.)
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Aria Prescott commented
2012-10-28 23:55:29 -0400
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@Headly: Reid was a much bigger story intially because of his status in congress and the more outlandish nature of his wreck… but when it died down, and people became aware of the Rubios, I didn’t see one comment from a liberal or an independent.
In fact, the only venom I saw on the threads for that was from the far right saying that they hoped she lives and Reid dies. Even with the history of this trash, that was an obscene line.
In fact, the only venom I saw on the threads for that was from the far right saying that they hoped she lives and Reid dies. Even with the history of this trash, that was an obscene line.
mj - the same one commented
2012-10-28 19:50:48 -0400
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@Zissa Ramani: I’m sorry, Zissa; I believe you were looking to post at:
and came here by mistake.
You see, simply because we reproduce screengrabs from foxnation, does NOT mean we ARE foxnation.
and came here by mistake.
You see, simply because we reproduce screengrabs from foxnation, does NOT mean we ARE foxnation.
Headly Westerfield commented
2012-10-28 19:04:23 -0400
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Senator Reid’s office issued a statement: “Senator Reid and his security detail were involved in a traffic accident today on Interstate 15 in Las Vegas. Senator Reid was taken to University Medical Center Hospital by his security detail as a precaution, and walked in on his own. Senator Reid was wearing his seatbelt at the time of the accident. He experienced rib and hip contusions and has been cleared for release by the doctors. Mrs. Reid was not in the car at the time of the accident. Some of Senator Reid’s detail and a staffer had minor injuries in the accident and were evaluated at UMC.”
Headly Westerfield commented
2012-10-28 16:29:11 -0400
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Marco Rubio’s 12-year old daughter was involved in a car accident yesterday and had to be airlifted to the hospital. While this is not authoritative, I saw a lot of messages on facebook that said words to the effect of “I don’t agree with his politics, but my heart gos out to the family.”
I didn’t see anyone saying anything like the above.
With all my love,
Uncle Headly
I didn’t see anyone saying anything like the above.
With all my love,
Uncle Headly
Aria Prescott commented
2012-10-28 16:16:40 -0400
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When I saw the story, They didn’t even know if Reid was the only person that had been injured. Details were that sketchy. But this sickness was already festering on Fox Nation. I would call them animals, but that’s an insult to animals.