Fox News’ Your World joined in the effort of using a Koch brothers study to scare viewers away from Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare-for-all” plan that Fox & Friends also fear mongered about earlier today.
Media Matters wrote about the Fox & Friends segment:
The Fox gang failed to clarify, however, that while the study found that the plan would raise overall federal spending, the "overall health care spending in the United States over the same period" would be slightly reduced, according to Vox. In fact, Vox says that, “many or even most Americans could end up saving money on their premiums or on out-of-pocket costs.” In other words, under Sanders’ plan, the country would spend roughly the same amount on health care overall, and would also enjoy universal health care coverage…
On Your World, host Trish Regan “asked,” "If Democrats are going to slam the GOP for increasing the debt, how can they answer to this, right? You can't have it both ways."
Democratic strategist Danielle McLaughlin said, "What Democrats want to do is spend taxpayer money where it benefits the vast majority of taxpayers. And we have something like the recent suggestion that we would give $100 billion of tax cuts on capital gains, but 86-90% of those gains and the benefit of those tax cuts would go to the top one percent."
Patrice Lee Onwuka, of the Independent Women's Forum, did her part for the scare mongering effort.
ONWUKA: You're talking about a plan that would take choice and control over your resources away from individual families. … You don't know what the kind of access to timely coverage of health care will be. You're talking about shoving millions of people into one health care system, and not necessarily increasing the number of providers. You may actually lose doctors and hospitals as a result of this because the reimbursement rates will be much lower, and so you have people who are going to be - you may have rationed care or you're lining up around the corner just to be able to get your annual physical.
McLaughlin pushed back: "Six hundred thousand families a year, actually more than that, go bankrupt every year. Talk to them about what choices they have for health care. They have no choices."
McLaughlin also pointed to a similar conclusion as the one Vox reached: "There are various estimates. One of them, which the Bernie Sanders camp uses, is $1.4 trillion over 10 years. That's exactly what the federal government is paying now."
Regan worried that our system would become “a system like Canada's where - and I've known people that haven't been able to get the right kinds of tests and the right kind of medical care that they need because it's all run by a bureaucratic government."
With unintentional hilarity, while Regan and Onwuka spoke, a box on the screen’s right said federal health spending would drop by over $2 trillion. Universal Medicare would save $846 billion on drug costs over 10 years, and would cover everyone without copays, deductibles.
Watch the scare tactics below, from the July 31, 2018 Your World.
Time to sort out the whole lobbying, ‘campaign contribution’, Citizens United mess once and for all, America.