A few days ago, we posted about 10 crackpot tips Fox News' Amber Milt posted on FNC's magazine site, M, that were supposed to spice up your lovelife. Crackpot tips like - I kid you not - making your man think you've videotaped him going to the bathroom and then telling him it was just a joke. It turns out that Mitt cribbed at least some of those pranks.
As Cracked.com noticed (but we did not in our original read through of their article), three of those "tips" can also be found in an article called 7 Kid Pranks To Play On Random Victims. I'm not sure this is outright plagiarism, as Wonkette says, but it certainly doesn't reflect well on Milt.
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Aria Prescott commented
2012-07-16 03:00:14 -0400
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Headly said it best when he posted the links on the first article about this: They’re not only this immature, but they had to steal the idea to be this immature.
Not his exact wording, but my internet’s too slow to load the window. I’ll do better tomorrow.
Not his exact wording, but my internet’s too slow to load the window. I’ll do better tomorrow.