Rudy Giuliani was supposed to discuss the Brussels terror attacks during a visit to Fox News yesterday but he spent nearly the entire seven minutes moaning and groaning that President Obama should have a plan “to destroy ISIS” - yet never gave a clue as to what that plan should be.
First, Giuliani attacked Obama for not running home from Cuba. “It's outrageous that the president of the United States is not in the Situation Room right now planning to destroy ISIS," he complained.
"What do you think of the argument it's better that he not?” host Neil Cavuto asked. “I talked to a Romney supporter who was saying if he came rushing back, he’d would look frantic, and he's going about his business like he tells people."
"That's why he's a Romney supporter," Giuliani quipped.
Cavuto laughed heartily.
"That would be like Franklin Roosevelt remaining at Warm Springs when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor,” Giuliani continued. "This is an attack one of our allies. We belong to NATO. An attack on a NATO ally, in case the president ever read the treaty, is an attack on the United States of America. He has an obligation to defend that country. …The president's knowledge of history is quite questionable. …He's sitting with a dictator watching a baseball game while innocent people are being killed in a war."
Cavuto did try to press Giuliani to provide details of this "plan' but all he could talk about was what’s wrong with Obama.
CAVUTO: If you were there now, and looking at what you have to do, what do you do?
GIULIANI: So far his strategy hasn't been working right? Bush took 9/11 really seriously, hit them back like hell, right? And we didn't get a terrorist incident from then on. He's been in office now for eight years, and we've had 4, 5, 6, 7? Obviously he's not scaring ‘em.
CAVUTO: How do you get in front of this?
GIULIANI: And we don't protect our allies any longer? An attack on France is not an attack on us?
...I know what they think of him in Europe. They don't think we have a president. In Poland, they don't think we have a president. France doesn't think we have a president."
Actually, a Pew Poll found that President Obama is pretty popular in the world, including Europe. France has an 83% confidence rating, and Poland 64% confidence regarding President Obama's ability to handle world affairs. But Cavuto didn’t mention it.
Watch Giuliani exploit the Brussels terrorist attack, below, from the March 22 Your World.
It appears Rudy 9/11 Giuliani never read the treaty, either:
Article 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Thus, an attack on one member is NOT an attack on solely the USA, you effing dip$#!t — it is an attack on NATO collectively — and they must AGREE to take any collective response.
The US cannot use the Belgian or Paris attacks as an excuse to unilaterally go bomb whomever they want, any more than any European allies could use any mass shootings in the US as an excuse to go bombing whoever the hell they want — then again, I guess I shouldn’t expect somebody with zero foreign policy/defense experience/credibility to know this . . .
You can’t make stuff up that’s a richer satire than actual Fox News propaganda. 👍
“Rudy Giuliani was supposed to discuss the Brussels terror attacks during a visit to Fox News yesterday but he spent nearly the entire seven minutes moaning and groaning that President Obama should have a plan “to destroy ISIS” – yet never gave a clue as to what that plan should be.”
Yes indeed, because mark my words: the VERY LAST THING Adolf Giuliani wants is for his good friend “Der Furor” Trump to get into the White House and INSTANTLY REINSTATE THE DRAFT, because that would naturally mean that his own MILITARY AGED SON Andrew just might GET DRAFTED and sent off to the Middle East to help fight ISIS.