Fox’s newly-minted conservative martyrs, the ignorant, lying Trump evangelizers known as Diamond and Silk, told Laura Ingraham last night that TheGrio had written an unflattering article about them merely for clickbait.
Ingraham started the discussion by claiming, “Facebook’s treatment of Diamond and Silk is just the latest example of censoring conservative voices.” The duo insisted that Facebook had never gotten in touch with them to rectify having deemed their page as "unsafe." Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway insisted, “We have not been in communication with Facebook, we have not been contacted.”
Unfortunately for her credibility, this was proven false by The Daily Beast today. By the way, this is the same Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway who claimed recently that Russia got its nuclear weapons from Hillary Clinton.
And then Hardaway told another whopper.
Ingraham brought up an article “by this thing called ‘Grio.’” She quoted an excerpt from the article which described Diamond and Silk as “Fox News puppets” and “viral court jesters” who have “made a name for themselves dancing for” Donald Trump and his administration.
“Your reaction,” Ingraham prompted.
“Well, you have to understand that that publication is just an envious publication. It’s a very small, minute publication," Hardaway said.
“That’s right,” Rochelle “Silk” Richardson said.
“And they’re just trying to use us as clickbait because they know nobody ever reads their stuff. If they put their stuff out on Facebook, they have hardly any views. So they have to use Diamond and Silk’s name in order for someone to click on it,” Hardaway continued.
Even Ingraham sounded dubious. She noted that Joy Reid was formerly involved (she was managing editor) with TheGrio.
FACT CHECK: TheGrio has more than a million “likes” on Facebook. Not as many as the nearly 1.5 million “likes” Diamond and Silk have but still a significant following. And while its true that the pair seem to get a lot more activity on their page, when it comes to website traffic, which TheGrio probably cares about much more, the ladies lag bigly. According to SimilarWeb, TheGrio received 2.21 million visits in the past six months, for a global rank of 50,764. Diamond and Silk’s site, on the other hand, received 72.33 thousand, for a global rank of 1,007,712.
In other words, if TheGrio is looking for clickbait, it probably would not be via Diamond and Steel.
Watch the pair’s latest lies below, via the April 11, 2018 The Ingraham Angle.
Correction: This post originally said that Diamond and Silk had said Facebook never got in touch with them about having deemed their page unsafe.
Yes, you are right and I corrected the post to say that they claimed Facebook never got in touch with them to rectify having deemed their page unsafe.
The point remains, however, that Facebook did contact them to fix the mistake and the duo insisted otherwise. Since you care so much about facts, I’m sure you’ll want to ask them to correct their much bigger falsehood.
Or do you only like to nitpick and then name call liberals?
Maybe they can latch on to the Storm crowd. We hear the job pays very well.