Conservative activist Cliff Kincaid has launched a campaign to take back Fox News from the undue influence of George Soros-funded groups (I kid you not) and restore Glenn Beck to the “fair and balanced” airwaves so that he can continue his investigative reporting into Soros.
Right Wing Watch has some of Kincaid’s jaw-dropping statements:
“Fox News has been disintegrating since Soros-funded groups forced Glenn Beck off the air,” declared ASI President Cliff Kincaid. “His show was replaced by a program featuring Democratic Party hack Bob Beckel, who regularly insults conservatives. It’s time for Glenn Beck, now on Internet TV, to return to the cable channel so that he can continue his investigative journalism into the rapidly expanding influence of the Soros network of organizations. We urge Fox News CEO Roger Ailes to negotiate Beck’s return at the earliest possible date.”
…”Fox should stand up to Soros,” he said, “not buckle under to his financial pressure.” He said this trend—together with the reports that Rupert Murdoch, head of the Fox News parent company, News Corporation, is turning the media giant over to his liberal son, James—is worrisome indeed.
Kincaid is also disturbed by the recent hiring of out lesbian Sally Kohn as a liberal contributor. “Lesbianism is not a lifestyle that should be promoted by a national television network,” he said. For what it’s worth, I’ve seen Kohn on Fox News many, many times and never heard her mention, much less promote, being a lesbian.
Unfortunately for Kincaid, Fox had their own reasons for getting rid of Beck. There was friction between him and his Fox News superiors and he also rankled his colleagues who felt he was an embarrassment to the network. So I doubt there’s much of a desire from within to bring him back.
On the other hand, it's always possible Roger Ailes and company will awaken from being Soros zombies, recognize the Soros danger that threatens the network and bring back Beck to save them - and America!
Doesn’t stop some of the more tactless members of the Bay Area right from using his broadcast as a taunt, though.
When you have a conservative group calling the Fox "News Channel a George Soros-back news outlet, you know conservative Republicans have lost their minds.
Every now and again, something will come down the wire about him that’s worth checking out, but the last time he was worth sharing was when he posted on his website that he now lives in Texas because a studio in Dallas was the ONLY place in the US willing to give him a lot.
Everything else with Beck’s name on it? We know the deal- he has never been actually been right about anything, he just says something really vague about how a situation commonly ends badly if no deals are reached and pretends it makes him psychic if it comes to that. If it’s adverted, it’s somehow because everyone involved caught his show and he showed them the light.
He’s set up where he can never be wrong- except about the actual details. When he names a country, city, time, size, outcome or the conditions that cause it… he’s wrong about all of it every frickin’ time.
Seriously- tell me this isn’t how you reacted yourself.
The Insanity of the RW is boundless.