There are times to put aside differences and the tragic shootings in Aurora, CO is one of them. In that vein, we liked what Neil Cavuto said today about these horrific events in his commentary segment: “Sometimes on days like this, life just stops, right? The arguing over politics. Maybe the arguing, period.”
He continued:
All part of the drama of life, usurped by something otherwise mundane in life.
The stuff we maybe take for granted in life. The stuff we don't even think about. The stuff we don't much fuss or worry about.
Like going to a theater, watching a movie, and when it's done, leaving the theater, probably talking and arguing about the movie.
But we all know now that familiar routine was broken in Colorado overnight. And it's all anyone's been talking about since.
For good reason. We just can't fathom a reason. How people can go to a movie theater, and some of them, never come out of that theater alive.
It jars us to our core because it's so outside the norm, and the predictable, and the routine.
It's why financial channels joined news channels this morning going wall to wall on this story.
And even traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange couldn't stop watching news reports of this story.
The folks all about getting rich in life jarred by the fickleness of life. And reminded yet again there are no guarantees in life.
Or ways to explain the senselessness of some things in life.
The child shot at point blank range, and we wonder why. The couple who thought it would be fun to see a midnight showing of a movie for the first time in their life, now dead, and we wonder how.
I guess none of my insights are very profound today, just a business anchor musing about the routine business of life upended today.
It was almost as if those in business didn't know what to do today because none of what they did or usually obsessed about mattered today. Not even to them
No one much cared about the spending in Washington or the latest saber rattling in Iran.
Just what happened in a non-descript movie complex in Aurora, Colorado.
A state all too familiar with life's little shocks. Reminding us again to take nothing for granted in life. Including life itself."
Well said, Neil.
What I also find disturbing about this is that we don’t seem to be shocked by these shootings anymore.