Bob Woodward was back on the Hannity show last night. And while I’m not happy Woodward continues to ignore the kinds of sleazy tactics that Sean Hannity employs on a regular basis – and thus gives him a stamp of legitimacy he doesn’t deserve – Woodward very directly and unequivocally smacked down Hannity’s attempts to blame the “liberal media” for President Obama’s re-election.
Woodward told Hannity:
This line that somehow the mainstream or liberal media did Romney in and really was helping Obama I just don’t think comports with the facts. Can I give you some examples if you can stand it?
Woodward said Obama got “hammered” by the media after the first presidential debate. He went on to say that the Washington Post fact checker has been very tough on Obama. Later, Woodward cited “coverage of the economy. Every time the unemployment number was bad or the story about the growth of the economy and how anemic the recovery was, (it) was covered incessantly by the mainstream media.”
Before he could finish his three examples, Woodward was repeatedly interrupted by a Benghazi-obsessed Hannity, who once again tried to turn the story into Watergate. Woodward told him that while there is much that should be investigated (and that the Washington Post has said we need answers), “You can’t write if you don’t have anything but when I work on one of these projects or books, it takes months and years to develop the sources and get the documentation.”
And what did Mr. Liberal Media Hater say? “I know it does.” Funny how he always slobbers up to this icon of liberal media journalism.
But do you think Hannity will remember that the next time he has a chance to grandstand on the subject – and Bob Woodward isn’t watching?
By the way, Hannity seems to be reading us. At the end of the interview, he said, “the liberal blogs will beat you up for even coming on my program.” No, not for coming on the program. For coming on the program and ignoring the elephant in the studio.
Now THAT would make ME feel even better than I’m feeling right now and I’ll be way up there on cloud 90 were same to be given to a few others, like the rabid haters called Bill O’Reilly and Neil Cavuto (anyone else catch the latter’s common sense segment yesterday? Puts paid to the idea that only dems are divisive).
LOL! Kkklannity “knows” how investigative reporting works? Here’s Kkklannity “investigating”:
SH – We got anything on Obama today?
RA – Read the memo!
SH – Anything more, any other sources?
RA – STFU Sean and read the memo!!!
SH – Sorry Roger, I just meant, do we have any more Lies ta use …. sorry …
RA – When I say STFU I mean STFU!!
SH – Yessssir!
RA – STFU Sean!!!!
SH – OK!!!
RA – STFU!!! STFU!!! STFU!!! Don’t make me take a bat to your head, it takes a lodda makeup to cover the gash!!!