Bill O’Reilly is still smearing Sandra Fluke as some kind of radical slut – and last night Megyn Kelly helped
O’Reilly seemed especially grouchy last night during his show which aired shortly before Joe Biden and Barack Obama made their convention speeches. Democratic women, it seems, have really been making him out of sorts – what with their concerns about reproductive rights that they’ve been voicing all over the place during the convention.
“I am very confused,” O’Reilly said to Kelly during their on-air chat. “All I’m hearing this week, everywhere I go, is that the women, American women, their right to choose is being threatened. I don’t know what that means. To choose what?” O’Reilly argued that Roe v. Wade ensured the legality of abortions and that contraceptives are freely available. “What’s threatened?” he asked.
Later, he even brought up Dr. Tiller, the abortion doctor whom O’Reilly demonized for years – until he was assassinated - by saying that women are free to have “unfettered abortion until 10 minutes before the birth as Dr. Tiller was doing out in Kansas." O'Reilly sneered, "Everything’s fine,”
Kelly explained that limitations have been placed on abortions, such as states requiring ultrasounds before the procedure can be performed. But she somehow didn’t get around to mentioning the sorts of extreme and invasive measures proposed by Republicans such as the Virginia bill to require a vaginal ultrasound before an abortion – which Alabama and Mississippi Republicans were eager to adopt. She added, “The argument is, ‘Well, you made the decision to have unprotected sex or careless sex or whatever it was that wound you up in that position. And you made that choice and… so it’s not, it’s not forcing you to not have any consequences for behavior. That’s all we want you to do before you have that abortion.”
Kelly did point out the other side of the story, that women feel that government should not interpose itself between women and their doctors. But after that stab at balance, Kelly took a deliberate swipe at Democrats and Fluke:
“One of the surprises of this convention… is how far to the left the Democratic platform has been presented, not just on paper, the platform that they’ve written, but presented by the speakers here. This is clearly not a convention that’s meant to reach out to the moderates. This is a convention that is meant to reach out to the base. And that’s why we saw Sandra Fluke given a PRIME TIME, 10 PM (Kelly’s emphasis) speaking engagement, moments before President Clinton!”
O’Reilly interrupted to say that Fluke was “smirking all the way through” her speech.
Yeah, Bill, she was undoubtedly thinking of all the slutty sex you and all the other "job creators" out there would be bankrolling, especially if Obama's plan to raise taxes on top earners goes through!
He went on to yell, “I don’t see any women’s rights under assault at all. If you want to have seven children out of wedlock, nobody’s going to stop you. In fact, the government will pay for it. OK?"
He later said, “They want more stuff. More abortion. That’s what they want.”
If Kelly was disturbed by O’Reilly’s misogyny she didn’t let on. Even worse, although Kelly is supposed to be one of Fox’s “objective” hosts, she somehow missed the extreme nature of the Republican platform on abortion.
Just viewed Sandra Fluke’s speech and she was – yes – smiling at times. But not smirking. Bill’s reaction is that of a playground bully: the ones who swagger up to their intended victim as their buddies snigger in the background. If the victim put on a placating smile, the bully would look back at his buddies and say threateningly “Want me to wipe that smile off your face?” Bill’s a bully.
Sandra’s talk was quite simply lovely and loving. No aggression, no screaming, no hysterics: that’s what has gotten Billy’s goat. He prefers his wimmen to simper and cringe and submit to his … whatever. Words fail me whenever I meet a troglodyte.
Margaret Atwood’s “The Handsmaid’s Tale” shows just how easy it would be to get a president who turns his back on women and any other category perceived as inferior. We have got to prevent that from happening.
Of course you don’t, Bill- Just like you saw nothing wrong with using your gated community’s police force to stalk your wife’s boyfriend.
“… (strange how conservatives always say that they want the âbig governmentâ to stay out of our lives â except when it comes to abortion where they go out of their way to insert government interference on women and their doctors).”
Isn’t that a wonder? Fear-mongering on the risk of getting between people and their doctors was a bogus liet motif during the early campaign against the health bill (death panels, obligation to change insurers, etc. etc.). But somehow, someway, they think that applies only to men.
Just as his rhetoric about the war on women was dishonest, so was his characterization of Fluke during her speech. I just rewatched the Fluke video a couple of times and nothing in her demeanor came off as “smirking” as BOR bogusly claimed. Makes me wonder if BOR even knows what the word smirking means; one would hope so considering all the smirking BOR himself does.
I think Kelly could have done a better job of presenting more actual specifics with regards to what GOP legislators have tried to do to abortion rights but at least she got out a basic premise that women don’t want the government interferring in their relationship with their doctor regarding a medical procedure that’s legal.
But BOR couldn’t even acknowledge the validity of that argument (strange how conservatives always say that they want the “big government” to stay out of our lives — except when it comes to abortion where they go out of their way to insert government interference on women and their doctors). Nah, instead BOR ignored that very important point and took the completely disingenuous leap all the way to Tiller.
Btw, note how Fluke is called a whore all over again in the comment section…