Male chauvinists in the world, rejoice! The Fox News Channel/Fox Business Network not only has your back but has at least three hosts who see things the way you do. And all three of them have decided that there was nothing at all offensive in Mitt Romney’s “binders full of women” comment. And just like in his last discussion on the subject, O’Reilly ignored Romney’s dissembling that went with it.
Bill O’Reilly apparently wanted a do-over from his last discussion on the segment when one of his two women guests tried to explain why the comment was offensive – in between condescending and dismissive comments from O’Reilly. So this time O’Reilly dug up two like-minded men, Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk.
It’s outrageous that any of them would be there to opine on whether women should be offended when each of them has been more than a little offensive to women, himself. Bill O’Reilly was sued for sexual harassment (he settled the suit) and has a record of shocking insensitivity to women. Gutfeld likes to make jokes at women’s expense. And McGuirk was fired from his previous job after taking part in the infamous “nappy headed hos” discussion with his partner, Don Imus.
O’Reilly set the tone up front by saying about women who took offense, “Are they sane? …I gotta tell you. I have seen dumb things in my 36 years in this business but nothing as dumb as this.”
Nobody challenged O’Reilly. Instead, McGuirk took another swipe at a woman by saying CNN’s Jessica Yellin should be renamed “Jessica Whining.” McGuirk added that “she’s supposed to be a reporter not giving her opinion.”
So do you think he’ll want to have a chat with Fox News’ own Catherine Herridge? Don’t hold your breath.
I made some phone calls to a woman that cost me two megabucks. That’s Male Power!!!