Sounds like Bill Barr doesn’t want to come to grips with his own party.
On today’s Cavuto Live, former Attorney General Bill Barr wavered between being supportive of and being anti-Donald Trump, his former boss. On the removal of Trump from the Colorado ballot, Barr said, "The [Supreme] Court has to smack this down very quickly. I think the legal argument here for it is ridiculous, and I think even more importantly, it's highly destructive, and it's exactly the kind of tactics by the left that created Donald Trump in the first place."
FACT CHECK: The Colorado suit was brought by four Republicans and two independents
Barr went on to claim, "Russia-gate, the bogus cases in New York, and the cases in Atlanta and so forth strengthen him."
Barr continued, "There's no question that the 14th Amendment says that if you took an oath to support the Constitution and then engaged in an insurrection that you can't hold office again. The question is who decides and how is that decided? … There clearly was no due process here."
FACT CHECK: Trump’s team called on seven witnesses during the trial and the Colorado Supreme Court concluded that adequate due process had been provided.
So far, Barr sounded like the Trump loyalist he once was. But then, when Cavuto asked what a second Trump presidency would bring, Barr made it clear he wants a different Republican nominee for president.
"I don't think he's going to move the country forward,” Barr said about Trump. "I'm also worried that he will, you know, his style of governance, his continuing to pander to anger and frustration versus a constructive approach to solving our problems is going to be chaotic and not accomplish very much."
However, Barr said he’s also " horrified by the prospect of a Biden presidency." He reiterated, "the radical left, they've created Trump."
Which network promoted Trump’s 2016 candidacy even before he declared it? Oh, that’s right, it was Fox News.
Barr sounded like he’d vote for Trump again if he’s the nominee. Cavuto said, "I can't imagine you supporting Donald Trump, given all the bad blood and everything else."
Rather than say he’d write in a candidate or vote for a third party, Barr replied, "I couldn't support Biden."
In August, Barr all but declared Trump guilty in both the federal cases over his stealing and mishandling classified documents and the Jan. 6 coup case.
You can watch the full interview below, from the December 23, 2023 Cavuto Live.
The former fight-promoter, reality TV sh* thead and up and coming fascist dictator had to switch a lot of his personal beliefs to become what the right wing have been looking for since Rush Limbaugh and Fox News brought politics down to the National Enquirer level.
The political disaster of Donald Trump defiling the White House was not created by “the Left” or any other phantom boogeyman Barr wants to conjure. This disaster was decades in the making by Angry Right Wingers. It started with the earlier Far Right pundits like Paul Harvey and Wally George, and descended into rampant viciousness with the rise of unrepentant bigots like Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes. Which begot Far Right propaganda outlets like Fox and shock jocks across AM radio, which in turn begot even more Extreme Far Right propaganda outlets like Newsmax and OAN and craven hucksters like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones.
The only way someone like Little Trump could prevail is in a landscape where outlets like Fox could create “alternative facts” for its viewers to consume instead of the actual news of the day.
Studies were done two decades ago of how Americans understood the news of the day, and those studies consistently showed that Fox viewers were the most misinformed and/or under-informed people in the group. Because the Fox fans kept getting basic facts upside down and backwards, albeit in a consistent pattern with what they were being fed by Fox and by AM radio hosts every day. And this situation has only gotten worse – to the point that millions of Americans today would rather believe propaganda than accept the reality that Little Donald Trump is the loser of the 2020 Election and an unapologetic felon.