I’ve long thought Ann Coulter is a fraud – and I don’t just mean over her voting habits. While she loves to throw around inflammatory rhetoric to hate monger against liberals, her actions are far more liberal than she’d like to let on. Besides her not-so-conservative personal behavior, her political behavior is fairly moderate. Remember how she adores New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and said if he doesn't run Romney would and then lose? This, despite the fact that she said Romney was the GOP's strongest candidate in 2008? How she gushed over Romney even after he lost? How she’s not much of a Sarah Palin fan? Coulter’s argument that Republicans should give in on tax cuts fit the pattern perfectly. Oh, sure, she tossed in some of her trademark invective for cover. And then argued fiercely with Sean Hannity that the GOP should cave for the sake of better media coverage.
Whether you agree with my assessment of Coulter or not, if this segment doesn’t say “Republicans in disarray,” I don’t know what does.
Video available at Mediaite.
Annie is the type of broad who jumps from one man to another. Billy is a newly single man, and we bet the Long Island Railroad that he has his eyes on Annie.
Rest assure. if Annie and Billy do become an item, her appearances on Hannocchio’s radio and television show will cease.
Coming down the pipe:
1. A new drama unfolds for Hannocchio, and he won’t like it.
2. Annie makes a choice.
3. The Billy/Hannocchio feud intensifies
4. Ailes receives a major headache
We think Billy and Annie make a nice couple, don’t you agree?
Normally, this is easily dismissed as Coulter trying to be Bill Maher for the right, but in this case… it came across as that she was trying to trip Hannity up. Hannity’s enemies with O’Reilly, and O’Reilly is BFFs with Coulter right now. So that raises some questions on whether or not she went in hoping to start something.
And the scary part is that when we saw Hannity’s reactions to her in the pan shots, there was this look like that he had caught on, but was fighting the urge to take the bait. Like it was that easy, and she knew it.