Greta Van Susteren’s Wasteful Spending Probe Ignores Republican Waste
If you spend much time watching On The Record, you’ve undoubtedly seen one of Greta Van Susteren’s many segments on government waste. Yet, somehow she has not noticed two very egregious examples of wasteful spending by Republicans: a $17,000 drip pan, courtesy of a Republican Kentucky Congressman, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s birther investigation in Hawaii – at taxpayer expense. This while she was questioning Congress’ oversight with Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy – with regard to a federal judges’ junket in Hawaii.
Read moreOn "America Live" - Catholic Role Model Michael Reagan Praises Catholic Lawsuits Against HHS Mandate
Unlike the liberal biological son of President Reagan, Ron Reagan Jr., Michael Reagan shares no DNA with the former president. But as his adopted son, Michael has taken on the mantle of his father in order to promote views that make his conservative father look downright moderate. Thus, not surprisingly, he is a frequent guest on the Fox News channel where he is allowed a full platform for his extremist and frequently incoherent positions. Given that the Catholic Church's opposition to the HHS contraceptive mandate dovetails nicely with the position of the hard right GOP, it's not surprising to see Reagan weigh in on the issue. Yesterday, on the alleged Fox "news" program, "America Live," Reagan was allowed to offer his usual brand of right wing blather not only as a conservative but as a Catholic which is rather interesting seeing that Reagan once called for the murder of an anti-war activist and the killing of Muslim women and their babies. Go figure!
Read moreBill O’Reilly’s Big Investigation Into Occupy Wall Street Short On Facts, Long On Unsubstantiated Allegations And Attempts To Smear Obama
Remember how Monday night, Bill O’Reilly promised an investigation into the funding of Occupy Wall Street? That “investigation” proved to be nothing less than a hazy suggestion that Fox News boogeyman George Soros is the behind-the-scenes financier. Oh, O’Reilly didn’t exactly say so. What he said was that the non-profit Institute for Policy Studies, which he claimed (without any evidence) runs OWS, accepts money from Soros’ Tides Foundation. Therefore, without bothering to tell anyone how much money from Tides goes to the supposed Occupy-masterminds or for what purpose, the viewers were left to draw their own conclusion that Soros is really controlling the purse strings. Mixed up in all that was O’Reilly’s and then guest Monica Crowley’s malicious attempts to use the Occupy movement as a vehicle to attack President Obama.
Read moreBill O'Reilly's Double Standard - Protester Edition
Bill O'Reilly loathes the Occupy movement and has proclaimed, based on a NYC streetencounter with an alleged Occupy protester, that they are terrorists. But Bill's feelings about protesters seem to be based on whether or not they agree with him. Those who don't are deemed anathema while those who are in synch with his views are safe from his wrath. In other words, in Bill O'Reilly's world, not all protesters are created equal. Bill O'Reilly, arbiter of all that is right and just, is a hypocrite? Oh, Noooo......
Read morePalin: Our Country’s Prosperity May Depend On Smearing Obama With Rev. Wright
Sarah Palin, probably the most highly paid inconsequential figure in the 2012 election, took to the Hannity show airwaves last night and joined the chorus of Fox News pundits longing to use Rev. Jeremiah Wright to make race-based attacks on President Obama. But Palin went to ridiculous new lengths when she argued that “putting everything on the table” is necessary, “if we want to continue to be exceptional and prosperous and secure, and the most generous country in the entire world.”
Read moreFox's Peter Johnson Jr. Cheerleads Catholic Lawsuits Challenging HHS Mandate
Along with being an arm of the GOP, Fox News has lately taken up the banner of the Catholic Church in its fight against the HHS contraception mandate. For both the conservative, US Conference of Catholic Bishops (not Obama fans) and Fox, it's a divine quid-pro-quo. The Church gets its message proclaimed on a national "news" network while Fox, on behalf of the GOP, gets to bash the Obama administration which is portrayed as waging war against Catholics who will, presumably, join the GOP congregation. Since the policy was announced, it seemed like not a week went by without Fox's professional conservative Catholic Fox & Friends guys opining on a topic pertaining to ladyparts that they and their bishop pals don't have. This morning, Catholic Knight of Malta Peter Johnson Jr. and Brian Kilmeade, one of many conservative Catholics in Fox's media tool box, virtually shouted Hosannas in the highest for the plethora of lawsuits filed by Catholic dioceses and colleges against the Obama administration. Once again, ideology trumped reason. But then this is Fox & Friends so it's all good.
Read moreBill O’Reilly’s Occupy Wall Street “Terrorist” Encounter
Apparently, some Occupy Wall Street protester or protesters had the nerve to confront Bill O’Reilly Friday night while he was attending a Broadway show with some children. Although O’Reilly routinely sends his own producer to accost people – and on camera, to be aired on national television – when it’s O’Reilly on the receiving end, it’s a terrorist plot. And President Obama needs to be held accountable!
Read moreWhy Is Heather Childers Hosting A News Show On Fox?
Remember Heather Childers? She’s the Fox News host who sent a tweet asking for “thoughts” as to whether or not the Obama campaign threatened to kill Chelsea Clinton in order to keep Bill and Hillary Clinton from spilling the beans about then-candidate Barack Obama’s birth certificate. It’s bad enough that she still has any job at a cable news outfit. But how on earth can Fox justify her co-hosting America's News HQ, which is supposed to be one of their “objective” news shows? Even worse, part of that work involves moderating discussions about President Obama’s campaign.
Read moreRoger Ailes Plays A Credible Journalist At Ohio University – And The Koch Brothers Help
Fox News chief Roger Ailes is speaking at Ohio University today. There’s nothing wrong with that per se. Ailes is certainly an important figure and OU is his alma mater. But what is troubling is the likelihood that he will be presented as a credible journalist and the unlikelihood that his questionable practices will receive any serious challenge. All you need to do is follow the money to understand why.
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