Fox priest in residence, Fr. Jonathan Morris, adamantly opposes any attempts, by the evil, secular government, to infringe upon the religious freedom of godly Christians. He even preached that clergy should be willing to die while protesting against the onerous ACA slut pill mandate. But now Fr. Morris wants the same evil secular government to prohibit the teaching of "radical" Islam in America's prisons because that is causing Islamic "radicalization" which, in turn, is making Americans unsafe. Where have I heard that before? Oh, that's right. It's Fox's newest fear factor meme in which Fox is making the unfounded connection of Alton Nolen, who was charged in the beheading death of his co-worker, to scary domestic Islamic radicalism perpetrated by scary black men (another Fox meme). And now, it's the gospel according to Fr. Morris. From his lips to Roger Ailes ears - or is it the other way around!
Sunday's Sunday with Fr. Morris segment, "The Rise of Islamic Extremism" was part of Fox & Friends newest "series" which are visually classified in order to elicit fear and loathing on the part of the viewer. Thus, we have "The Trouble with Schools" and the very popular "Fight for Faith" which encapsulates the very popular religious right paranoid fantasy that they are constantly under siege.
Saturday, "journalist" and Fox & Friends week-end host, Tucker Carlson touched on the issue of Islamic radicalization in prisons during a Fox & Friends segment which was clearly aimed at fomenting fear of Islamic terrorists who walk among us. While Alton Nolen wasn't mentioned, his African-American face was featured in video. Sunday's piece began with a screen sized picture of the African-American Nolen while Clayton Morris reported that Alton Nolen "yelled Islamic phrases" during his attack. The chyron framed the message of the piece: "Faith Behind Bars, Violent Radicalization of America's Inmate." Carlson brought it all together with his comment that Nolen has a prison record. Anna Kooiman asked what the chances were of his having been radicalized in prison and how we can "prevent people from following a misguided version of faith."
Morris opined that "if we say that anything that has the cloak of religion on it is equally good, we're going to be very disappointed and it's very dangerous." As he spoke, the chyron reinforced the agitprop: "Faith Up in Flames, How To Provide Misguided Versions of Religion." He added that this is "especially important in prisons" and explained "if we say radical Islam is religion and therefore should be respected in the same way as religions that preach peace and goodness and beauty and respect and tolerance, well then we're going to have bigger problems on our hands than we can possibly imagine." In keeping with the propaganda message he said that "we are already seeing it now."
To Carlson's amazing legit question of whether discerning between religions is a Constitutional problem, Fr. Morris, on script, sputtered "we're saying this is not religion" and asserted that "anything that is preaching hate or violence, I'm not saying that Islam is not religion, I'm saying anything that preaches hate and violence should not be considered religion." He asserted that "that should not be allowed in prison" or "anywhere we could be possibly radicalizing people in the name of God, in the name of whatever."
A screen sized photo of Nolen was shown as Clayton Morris talked about how Nolen got information, on the web, about Islamic extremism. He asked Fr. Morris why 80% of prison inmates turn to Islam. After Fr. Morris said that inmates are looking for something, he segued back to the message with the comment that while he isn't pittingChristianity against Islam but "anything that tells you to go hate and kill, in this case radical Islam is very similar to the whole culture of gangs in prison." He stated that neither gangs nor radicalization should be allowed in prisons which "have the responsibility more than ever to make sure that what's being taught is not hatred, anger, and violence."
So I guess that evangelical Christians who preach hatred (think Fox fave Tony Perkins and his hate group) towards gays aren't Christians. Hmm. And funny, nobody mentioned the existence of violent, white supremacists gangs in prisons. Oh, right, that wouldn't fit the propaganda paradigm. And even funnier, if Fr. Morris wants to shut down hatred, maybe he could start with Fox News!
He is good friends with that foul-mouth, Nixon trainee Ailes.
A hefty paycheck, and face-time on this fraudulent ‘news’ channel is more important than chasing down pedophile priests inside the Catholic church.
Mr. Matthew 7:15 has the nerve to sit there on the curvy couch ranting about violence and hate. Has he seen the threads on Hate Nation. Perhaps, the masses should email him a few screenshots of the violent and hateful rhetoric of the racists comments towards minorities.
The producers, Nixon trainee Ailes, Billy, Mr. Matthew 7:15, Photo Op Hannocchio, Barbie Kelly, Kilmeade, Goofy Doocy and the rest of the cafeteria Catholics need to excommunicate from the church. They are the laughing stock of the faith.