Bill O'Reilly claims that Obama was elected by folks who want free stuff - you know, like medical care for the elderly and disabled, programs for special needs children, subsidized childcare for low wage earners and so forth. But it turns out that O'Reilly, who is a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to the social safety net, has no problem with getting free stuff. Two years ago Bill and his fellow devout, benevolent Catholic, Laura Ingraham whined about liberal attacks on conservative free speech, George Soros, yada, yada. But in spite of these egregious assaults on good conservatives, Bill, ever the optimist, looked on the bright side. He proclaimed that "PC" was "on the run" because wherever he goes, his adoring fans give him free pizza and hamburger. Bill got free stuff so I guess that means he voted for Obama?!
H/T reader Michael
Looks like "PC" hasn't run very far because Bill's still bitching about it. But as long as he still gets free stuff, there's still hope?!
Its all a big money making game! they feed red meat to the haters then sell them books with more red meat!
people who buy these garbage books are suckers!