In their desperate efforts to smear President Obama, Fox & Friends frequently hosts right wing entertainers and radio hosts to push whatever right wing propaganda needs pushing. So while it's bad enough that these folks have political credibility, it's sad enough that, in their desperation, they are now resorting to interviewing the has been (actually never was) host of "The Love Connection," Chuck Woolery. But while Woolery, in his former incarnation, was benign; his new incarnation as a GOP activist is not. At the last CPAC convention he said not only gays don't deserve civil rights, but blacks don't either. Figures that as a washed up game show host, he'd get stranded on the shores of Fox News where Steve Doocy provided validation for more toxic flotsam that is Fox & Friends!
Steve Doocy immediately framed the message: "The AARP is supposed to defend our nation's seniors, in a non-partisan way, that's what they tell us. One problem, the group campaigned in favor of Obamacare when most seniors said no. The fall-out is so bad that it's attracting some celebrity attention, legendary game show host, Chuck Woolery." ("Legendary" - ROFLMAO!!!!!!) The chyron underscored the message: "Too Close for Comfort, Relationship Between AARP and Obama Admin." He introduced Woolery who is a spokesperson for "Generation America" which is a conservative "alternative" to the evil AARP.
Doocy provided more messaging when he summarized Woolery's position that AARP had a "connection" to White House when the administration wanted the legislation passed.
Woolery accused several AARP and the administration of co-ordination and claimed that his group has 70 e-mails to prove it. The "outraged" (according to the chyron) Woolery promoted his website which further proves that the "disgusting" AARP is non-partisan. The outrage theme was further reinforced with this chyron: "Obamacare Outrage, Woolery, AARP Sold Out Seniors." He claimed that the AARP pressured Senator Ben Nelson to be the 60th vote for the bill.
Doocy showed one of the e-mails from the administration to the AARP in which Jim Messina requested that the AARP folks meet with Nelson. More agitprop with the chyron: "Slighting Seniors? E-Mails Show AARP's Push for Obamacare." Doocy spluttered through his next summary of Woolery's position that despite AARP's claims that seniors supported Obamacare, they were against in 14 to 1. Woolery proclaimed that "Obamacare would not be a law if not for the AARP." He then claimed that his organization possesses the "truth" for seniors.
Doocy provided the core message for the propaganda piece with more summary: "What you're saying is with the big election coming up people need to know that if you don't like the health care reform act, the Affordable Care Act, a vote for President Obama would be a vote to keep that in business."
I realize that Fox & Friends is an opinion show and not governed by the Fox credo of "fair & balanced." So that's why you didn't hear any talk of how the ACA will bargain for cheaper drug costs for seniors as well as eliminating the "donut hole" during which seniors pay full cost for their drugs. There was no talk about how seniors, under Obamacare, are currently receiving care which includes free preventive services. There was no attempt to get a statement from the AARP. But when there's propaganda to be pushed, in this case an instruction for seniors to vote Republican, who cares about the facts which, in this case, were being spun by a former game show host who thinks that gays and blacks should just STFU about civil rights. Lots of credibility there! Ya think?
I have a mother who has been scared to death by FOX “news” with regards to “Obamacare”. She believes every bogus word put forth by the FOXies (and the likes of Chuck Woolery) regarding the ACA and thinks that Obama’s death panel will let her die. However, when I clued her in to what she would have to gain (close the donut hole which does affect her, preventative care, etc.) and corrected the “death panel” claim, she admits that she didn’t know about that — but is still hesitant to believe me (or the links I send her) because FOX “news” has not told her anything about it. I tell her that FOX “news” isn’t interested in telling her about these benefits because they have a political agenda but, like many other seniors, she keeps falling for the FOX “news” talking points.
And, btw, I hear righties bitch about AARP because they make money selling supplemental insurance to seniors. But when I went to the Generation America website (the organization Douchey/Woolery were referring to as a better choice than AARP), I notice Gen Am is in the supplemental insurance pimping game too. So it’s wrong if AARP does it but not if Gen Am does it?
Priscilla: “he said not only gays don’t deserve civil rights, but blacks don’t either.” – I didn’t realize he had said that. Damn, Chuck, your true (and ugly) colors are coming through.
Pat Boone
Maria Conchita Alonso
Danny Bonaduce
Chuck Norris
Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth
Donald Trump
Joey Bishop
Stephen Baldwin
Kirk Cameron
Victoria Jackson
Vincent Curatola
Caroline Manzo
Kevin Sorbo
Ted Nugent
Jon Voight
And now, Chuck Woolery
The parade of right-wing show-business “experts” on Fox continues . . .