Can you imagine the indignant howls of Fox News outrage if an MSNBC or CNN host actively campaigned for a Democrat? It would be denounced as blatant media bias. Meanwhile, Fox's Mike Huckabee is out stumping for a Republican man who thinks that if a woman is impregnated by her rapist, her magic spermicide isn't working and she clearly was complicit in this non "legitimate" rape. But this kind of thing isn't a problem for Mike Huckabee who, while campaigning for Republicans, has found the time to cut a TV ad in support of Todd Akin whom he praises as a "good man with a Christian heart."
This good Christian man is the same dude who, with Paul Ryan ,sought to redefine rape and who was arrested three times, in the 80's, for occupying an abortion clinic. So in addition to partisanship, we're talking some serious extremism here. But while the reality based community was appalled at Akin's "legitimate rape" comment, Huckabee feels that it's no big deal because it was just a mistake that many politicians make. According to Mike, "You know Todd Aiken made a verbal gaffe that all of us have made at some point or another you see the presidential candidates do it. Obama's done it, Joe Biden's, my gosh, he's a gaff-o-matic."
Nice "tu quoque" spin here but Biden's "gaffes" are very different from being ignorant of biology. In Akin's case, he obviously believed that women are incapable of being impregnated by a "legitimate rape." That's not a gaffe. It's based on a belief system that reflects a very demeaning attitude towards women - an attitude that seems to pervade today's Republican men with Christian hearts.
But seriously, do you think the Fox talkers would be silent if a librul media person were this political?
So true, so true. Satire doesn’t work if it is not based on reality.
It was also too much bias when people posted the proof that Darrell Issa was having him stalked.
But openly endorsing a man like Akin just because he has an® next to his name? No problem for any of them- except maybe Karl Rove.